Top 10 champions that Riot takes care of the most in appearance in League of Legends (P.1) top 10 vi tuong 0 - Emergenceingame

1-2. Jayce and Viktor

Two genius minds are at the same time the most brilliant scientists of Piltover, when both have the same starting point and are quite similar to each other. Although at a later stage, the two had conflicts and misunderstandings, but to comment on the design, Jayce and Viktor both achieved a perfect score.

With Jayce, we see an elegance in the way of dressing with a European fur collar coat. Not only that, a series of motifs attached to Jayce’s armor with the main yellow color, suitable for a very large weapon and certainly help Jayce exude a gentleman’s style in harmony with the knowledge of a young man. scientist. Meanwhile with Viktor, the generals This weapon is designed in a less ostentatious way but still retains harmony and exudes a scientific and intellectual content with its weapon.


The main highlight is that Viktor has an arm behind his back that gives the opponent a sense of danger and fear. With a robotic arm attached to his back, Viktor’s design almost sticks to the plot as he becomes a self-contained scientist passionate about mechanizing humans, in stark contrast to his flashy appearance. Jayce – a scientist standing out of the light as well as receiving praise from everyone.

3-4. Zed and Talon

Although not too related to each other in terms of plot and life motto like the two names mentioned above, even the two have a very similar worldview when both are based on violence as well as killing to achieve their goals. goal, but Zed and Talon are two killer The design and appearance are quite contrasting with each other.

Regardless of gameplay and skills, both have two main contrasting colors with red and blue. With Zed, he shows more bloodthirsty with a dark red outfit and an iron armor equipped from head to toe. The design of the blade as well as the two Shuriken on the back are also honed by the designer to every angle, showing the danger of a famous assassin.


Meanwhile with Talon, this general is known as an Assassin’s Creed character by gamers League of Legends when all the designs of this general show the essence of a cold assassin, working silently under orders. Although not as full of killing intent as Zed and Weapons are fine Riot but both show the perfection of an assassin exuding both in game and external design.


5. Ezreal

Coming to the 5th name that will not be too surprising is the Ezreal Explorer. Although not possessing an elegant or mysterious style like the 4 names mentioned above, Ezreal was created by the publisher with a golden ratio face with meticulously groomed handsomeness.


Not only that, Ezreal also owns a body-hugging suit with a leather jacket and Ne’zuk gloves as Weapons. In addition to the well-designed outfit, Ezreal also owns a handsome golden bouncy hair. Korea. However, perhaps it is Ezreal’s excessive refinement that sometimes makes fans doubt the real gender of this guy.

This sometimes leads to the majority male gamer quite allergic to Ezreal’s style. Even so, the beauty of this adventurer is undeniable, worthy of being on this list.

Source link: Top 10 champions that Riot takes care of the most in appearance in League of Legends (P.1)

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