Tips for defeating Golden Wolflord in Genshin Impact

Golden Wolflord Genshin 7 - Emergenceingame

In Genshin Impact, Golden Wolflord is the new giant boss you have to face in update 2.3. Here are tips for defeating Golden Wolflord while playing Genshin Impact.

Golden Wolflord in Genshin Impact
Golden Wolflord in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 2.3 further expands the game by adding new enemies and locations to explore. Golden Wolflord is the new boss in Teyvat. This enemy was modeled after the early Geovishap race, which included Geovishap Hatchling, Primo Geovishap, Geovishap, Azhdaha. As for the Rifthound, Genshin Impact has the latest Rifthound Whelp, Rifthound, and Golden Wolflord.

This monster was created by the alchemist Gold, who specializes in making demons, even once corrupting a large dragon. In Genshin Impact 2.3, Genshin Impact confirmed that Gold is Rhindottir. To defeat the Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact, follow the instructions below.

Location of Golden Wolflord in Genshin Impact

You can find the Golden Wolflord vacant lot at Tsurumi Island. You can get to this place by using the teleport on the south side of Tsurumi Island. At first, it just looked like a crack. Approach it to summon this Genshin Impact boss.

The Golden Wolflord will spawn from this crack when the player approaches the center of the arena
The Golden Wolflord will spawn from this crack when the player approaches the center of the arena

How to defeat the Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact

Using characters to fight at range

Like other Rifthounds, the Golden Wolflord can hover, even beyond the melee zone. Therefore, using characters to fight at long range (using bows or magic) will help you defeat your enemies.

There should be a character that specializes in healing

Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact can cast Corrosion (corrosion) to the target. This unique move continuously reduces HP every second. Therefore, the character that is attacking easily runs out of energy. If the non-attacking character’s HP is below 15%, Corrosion will not affect them.

Although the effect of this move is not harmful if you can kill the boss quickly. To do that, you need a character that specializes in HP for the whole team. Diona and Bennett are good but not enough. Instead, you should choose Barbara to make it easier to fight.

Barbara is the best healer in the Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact boss battle
Barbara is the best healer in the Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact boss battle

Using Geo-type characters

After the boss loses 1/3 of its HP, it will shield itself while calling 3 Rifthound Skulls. Unless the player can hit this monster first, it will not be damaged by any damage moves. Use Geo elemental attacks to destroy skulls because Wolflord is a monster of this element. In particular, the low-level Ningguang was also good enough to complete the task of destroying the skulls made by Wolflord Genshin Impact create.

Similar to the normal Rifthound, it can enter the Devourer State for stronger attacks but its resistance to the corresponding elements will decrease. In short, at some point, Golden Wolflord will be weaker than Geo compared to other damage types.

After destroying the Skull, boss Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact will lose the shield and fall to the ground. This is when you need to quickly defeat the Golden Wolflord.

Item left by Golden Wolflord Genshin Impact

  • Prithiva Topaz
  • Riftborn Regalia
  • Traveling Doctor
  • Instructor
  • The Exile
  • Wanderer’s Troupe
  • Gladiator’s Finale

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