The three strongest heroes in pub meta 7.26 Dota 2

Ba hero mạnh nhất trong meta 7.26 Dota 2
Nature Prophet - Emergenceingame

Games in Dota 2 always have a difference between what’s popular and effective in the professional arena versus what’s used in pubs. However, with the increasing level of gamers, that difference is narrowing more and more. This article will talk about heroes that are used in the top arena, and effectively in matchmaking.


Lycan’s problem is not so much with the hero, but with the current Necronomicon build direction. Summoning, when assisted with Shapeshift, Howl, Feral Impulse and the aura Helm of the Dominator can be seen as overwhelming in strength.

Base damage is increased by 70% so Necronomicon can deal 50 more hand damage at level 1, not to mention ‘dominated’ wolves and creeps. So we have a hero with a near 60% win rate at the highest rank in Dota 2.

The three strongest heroes in the 7.26 Dota 2 meta

Lycan is also an extremely fast farming hero. Necronomicon can be up less than 8 minutes is very normal, and this item also increases the speed of farming even more. Not too surprised if Lycan gets to Necro III and HotD at 15 minutes. At this point in the game, very few heroes can stop Lycan.

Weakness in the late game is also not a problem for Lycan in the meta right now, as the hero’s overwhelming map control almost ensures that the opponent can’t farm in time to flip the bet in the late game. The worst point here is that we have almost no clear counter with Lycan and even when picking counter, an experienced Lycan player still manages to get through. Currently, the hero is simply too effective during build time. While it’s not impossible to always win with Lycan, this hero is clearly too strong.


The three strongest heroes in the 7.26 Dota 2 meta

Beastmaster is less intimidating than Lycan. Similar to Lycan, Beastmaster also publishes Necronomicon early, farm very quickly, and is a threat to turrets if ignored. Not to mention, Beastmaster can gank solo 1 vs 1 quite easily.

While the hero doesn’t deal extra damage to his team or minions, the extra attack speed is scary for many squads. Specifically, in the later stages of the game, the hero’s Wild Axes can greatly increase the DPS of the whole team, compared to Feral Impulse.

Beastmaster also has one of the best leg locks in the game. Primal Roar is heavily used in meta counterplay, but overall it still has a big impact at every stage of Dota 2.

The only thing this hero lacks is mobility, but vision control allows him to be an effective split-pusher. The scouting ability is also extremely effective in teamfight and when controlling map objectives, which is often overlooked by pub gamers.


The three strongest heroes in the 7.26 Dota 2 meta

The last hero on this list is seen as less dominant in pubs, but still very popular. The biggest reason for the win rate below 50% is because players try to use Nature’s Prophet as a support. Although the hero can be quite strong in the laning phase, when going as a support, Nature’s Prophet becomes a lot weaker: the hero has no innate footlock or slow, and his auxiliary item set is very limited. due to not being able to farm.

What Nature’s Prophet does have is a large amount of stat increases per level in Dota 2. For some reason this intelligence hero gains 2.6 Str, 3.6 Agi and 3.7 Int per level, making NP very buff and annoying. The hero has nearly 14 armor at level 15 (excluding items), plus a good amount of health, which can make Nature’s Prophet a good pioneer hero in the squad.

When it comes to semi-attacked and semi-defense items, Nature’s Prophet works best. Blade Mail is a popular choice, as it is effective in terms of damage dealt as well as survivability from armor. Aura items, like Assault Cuirass, are also extremely popular for heroes.

Perhaps the hero’s greatest strength, however, is his flexibility: NP has some good “always” default items, but with farm speed, map-wide mobility, and great growth stats, the hero You can buy any item you consider most necessary for that game. It could be Orchid against highly mobile targets, or Spirit Vessel if you need to take on a hero that heals a lot. Or maybe Necronomicon, if you feel the need for vision control and turret push.


Patch 7.26 has been around for quite some time. Drafting “zoos” is now a daily occurrence in the game, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to play. You don’t have to just “select all + click Attack”.

Perhaps the heroes mentioned above will be nerfed, or the Necronomicon will be significantly reduced in strength. It is also possible that some heroes that have been neglected for a long time will be buffed, like Winter Wyvern and Leshrac: heroes that can take on the zoo squad.

So what do you think about the current meta of the game? Are you patiently waiting for the new patch or are you willing to join the zoo lineup for easy MMR?

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