The strongest squads Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13

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The update Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13 brings with it a number of changes to champions and races, which greatly affect the matchmaking and team building. In this article, will share with you the strongest new lineups of Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13, promising to help you improve your chances of winning in matches.

Which is the strongest lineup in update Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13 ? The following article will give you a satisfactory answer and guide you on how to build, as well as use the squads that will stir up the meta in Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13.

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Top strongest squad in the arena of truth version 10.13

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The squads that stirred up the meta in the DLC update 10.13

1. Golden Blademasters – Golden Blademasters (S tier)

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The Gold-plated Swordsman squad uses the Slow Roll strategy at level 5 to build Rebel champions as the mainstay. Turn Zed into a Swordsman with the Blade of the Ruined King, allowing the character to deal massive amounts of damage. This squad may not need the presence of Swordsman Zed, but ideally this champion should be present.

* Time to build the Golden Swordsman squad

The Gold-plated Swordsman lineup requires 3-star generals, so try to find the main champions early in the game. The squad also needs a lot of Recurve Bow (Wooden Bow) and Golden Shovel (Spatula), so play this in the Treasure Island Galaxy or if you find the Golden Shovel early.

* How to play the Gold-plated Swordsman squad

– Early game: Besides the Swordsmen in the squad, use any champion to keep health and start the Slow Roll strategy. You can add a level 5 Rebel to your squad or a level 4 Rebel if you don’t find Zed early.

– Mid-game: At level 6, you only need 6 Swordsmen if you find Riven or Irelia. This will make your squad even stronger if you have the Sword of the Unknown King.

* Some tips to play the Gold-plated Swordsman squad

– Gold-plated Swordsman lineup is quite dependent on equipment. Master Yi needs 3 Recurve Bows (Wooden Bow) and Zed needs Golden Shovel (Spatula). Therefore, you need to get these ideal equipment, otherwise you will not be able to survive to the end of the game.

– At the beginning of the game, the more synergy buffs you find, the lower your chain loss rate. You can buy cheap champions to win the chain and then switch to this formation if you find a lot of Bows.

2. Squad 6 Rebels – 6 Rebels (S tier)

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The Rebel 6 lineup is still a strong roster even though it’s one of the less well-known lineups of the update. With a slight change in position, a combination of defense and attack, the 6 Rebels squad will defeat the opposing team and bring great success in the late game with champions like Aurelion Sol and Gangplank

* Time to build 6 Rebel squad

Think of this formation if you find the Rebels early and have the right Jinx items. Equipment like Red Buff or Giant Slayer (Ỷ Heavenly Sword) are ideal.

* How to play 6 Rebel squad

– Early game: You mainly only need 3 Rebels with any champion. Rumble will be a good pawn for Gangplank and give you the Breakout buff early.

– Mid game: At level 6, you only need to have 6 Rebels in your team. At level 7, you can add Rumble, 1 Gunner to Jinx or 1 Secret Detective to Zed.

* Some tips for playing 6 Rebel squad

– If you want to win a series of wins at the beginning of the game, you should equip the Blue Buff for Ziggs early. Give items that deal magic damage to Ziggs or Aurelion Sol and items that deal AD damage to Jinx.

– If you feel Zed needs to get 3 stars, you can add 1 Secret Detective instead of Ezreal to support Zed. Champions like Ekko or Fizz are also ideal choices in this case.

– You can use Fizz until you find a GP, or if you don’t have Guardian Angel then Fiz will be better than GP.

3. Squad 6 Super Tech – 6 Cybernetic (S tier)

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Team 6 Super Tech is one of the most consistent lineups in the League of Legends team. Even with a slight neft, this roster stays strong throughout the game with the addition of Vayne, which will further strengthen the team mid-game before Ekko is found. Vayne and Irelia are two reliable carry champions, adding flexibility to this lineup.

* Time to build a squad of 6 Super Tech

If you find Super Tech or Irelia champions early. Equipping this squad is quite flexible, especially if you start with equipping Irelia with Sparring Gloves, you can level 8 quickly.

* How to play squad 6 Super Tech

– Early game: The most important thing is to equip items evenly for your Super Tech champions. Give items like Negatron Cloak (Silver Cloak) and Tear of the Goddess (Tear of the Goddess) to Leona and Fiona as these are not needed for your main carry.

Mid-game: If you don’t have all 6 Super Techs, try combining with ADC or Swordsman depending on if you can find Irelia or Vayne. Use this formation to stay strong and eventually get 6 Super Techs.

* Tips for using 6 Super Tech squad

– Super Tech champions work best with just one item, but you shouldn’t give too many items to low-priced champions like Fiona and Leona. This will cause you to upgrade Leona and Fiona if you want to equip those items to other champions at the end of the game.

– Lucian can do his job well mid game with just one item, to allow you to have a winning streak before finding Irelia or Vayne.

– Now, with Vayne, you can get 6 Super Techs at level 6. No rush to level 8 to get Ekko. Vayne is your carry mid-game and champions like Irelia and Ekko are secondary carry.

– You can also use Lucian as a pawn for Ekko until you actually find him.

4. Astro Snipers – Astro Snipers (A tier)

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ADCs are the favorites in the Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.12 update, and while it’s not the strongest lineup, it’s incredibly versatile. Vanguard is still very strong and you can use 4 or 2 AD carry flexibly depending on what you find and what you need. The Astronaut Gunner lineup has the presence of Jhin and Teemo as Gunner generals, which can deal AD and magic damage.

* Time to build the Astronaut Gunner squad

Equipping this squad is quite flexible, so think about the ADC Astronaut lineup if you have a good AD carry champion like Caitlyn/Ashe or if you find Teemo or Jhin early.

* How to play the Astronaut Gunner squad

– Early game: Ideally, there are 2 frontline champions and 2 AD carry.

Mid-game: There are plenty of high-priced champions you’ll want to find, but don’t worry if you don’t find them right away. At this point, use the generals you have found to fill the squad.

* Some tips for using the Astronaut Gunner squad

– Teemo and Jhin support each other because they use items that deal AD and magic damage. Be aware of that when crafting your carry champions.

– Astronauts will be used in the team, so if you find Bard early, you can gain an advantage now.

– At level 9, find a way to add Karma to the team for Mysterious and Dark Star.

In addition, to get to a high level and have a lot of gold you also need to know Golden optimal strategy in the arena of truth. Check out this article to learn more about this strategy.

Above is an article that reviews some strong squads in Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13, along with how to build and use a detailed squad. These formations will definitely help you climb the rank effectively in the ranked wars. Tactics – TFT-10-13-59227n.aspx

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Source link: The strongest squads Teamfight Tactics – TFT 10.13

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