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The Divine and the relationship with the Five Elements factions in VLTK Mobile

Than Co – the 5th piece of the Wood system of Martial Arts Mobile (VLTK Mobile) increasingly proves its usefulness and influence when it is upgraded to the set of Great School Secrets. On the occasion of the Vo Lam Congress – the most prestigious tournament in the world, is officially back, let’s find out if you meet Than Co in the arena, how other sects should cope.

Hoa Vu Thua Phong – Dodge the ultimate “top” move

Up to now, Shen Ji is the only sect in VLTK Mobile can fly. If the common air attacks can only help the character dodge normally, Than Co’s Moc Ung riding move can help the character escape all control. In particular, even the famous freezing technique of Thuy Yen’s family is difficult to work with Than Co.


Therefore, other sects need to be quick, quick and decisive, because only with Hoa Vu Thua Phong, the descendants of the Three Sects of Mac Gia also have the ability to escape the ultimate move of most other sects. again.

The higher the level, the greater the power

The initial 4 basic skills of Shen Ji have many similarities with Tieu Dao. For example, the effect of sucking the enemy or knocking the enemy into the wind after Lang Phong Tui Anh. However, when increasing to level 60 and opening the skill of Thich Thinh, the new God really reveals the “true face” of an assassin.

The Spirit Thief skill helps each of the Queen’s explosive attacks add a poison effect, reducing the target’s basic attack and draining life. This effect of Shen Co is considered quite similar to Duong Mon. Activating this skill will “clear the way” for the Divine Mother to unleash her ultimate, making the opponent unable to avoid and neatly defeated.


Using Thief will open a new chapter for the PK battle between Than My and the Fire factions. If at a low level, Than Co often has many difficulties when facing sects with high damage, good flexibility and high avoidance such as Dragon Monk or Thien Nhan; From level 60, the Divine Mother was able to make the opponent’s attack ability decrease and restore vitality, thereby making it easier to launch the ultimate.


Next, when reaching level 70 with the Vi Thien Will skill, this Wood-type sect becomes even more formidable when it shortens the waiting time of the Moc Ung riding skill, reduces the enemy’s final damage effect and increases the final damage of the opponent. self. This is also a technique that helps Shen Co “breathe” easier when dealing with the Kim sects.

The “scenarios” when the sects face the Gods


– Spectacular return of the Kim sects

Thien Vuong, Duong Mon and Tang Kiem are the three favorite Kim-classes in the version of Thien Menh Than Co. This is an inevitable consequence when Kim et al., this contrast helps the Kim sect to really have a great advantage over the 5th sect of the Wood system.

– Is the Earth system really “heartless”?

Truong Ca is the brightest name in VLTK Mobile’s 4 Earth sects when facing Than Co thanks to sect adjustments in Than Long Pha Hai version released last July. With the remaining 3 factions, when there is no advantage in dodging, maximizing the defensive power of the Shield and adding the vitality regeneration index is advice on the direction of development that the Earth factions should pay attention to.

– Than Co and the Water and Fire sects: The eight-pounder and the half-pounder

Both factions have the ability to put high damage and flexibility, so the Water and Fire systems have a balanced relationship with the Divine. If at the same level of combat power, Shen Ji and the Water/Fire factions will all lose 50% of their health when “sticking” to the ultimate. Particularly in the Fire system, Dao Hoa is still the name that keeps the best performance in all activities and is also one of the most stable choices for gamers.

Qualifying schedule of the Martial Arts Festival

According to the announced competition schedule, the Vo Lam Congress will officially start qualifying from today 3/12. The content and form remained the same as the previous congresses. This time, with the appearance of the new sect Than Co, it is difficult to predict how the situation of martial arts will change. However, with the skills that God possesses, plus the amazing efficiency in team PK matches, this new sect will certainly be a worthy choice in the Three Dou and Four Dou matches.
Follow the detailed schedule of the Vo Lam Congress here.

Download the game VLTK Mobile at: https://go.onelink.me/Cvd7/3b2760fd
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Source link: The Divine and the relationship with the Five Elements factions in VLTK Mobile
– Emergenceingames.com

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