Tactics to counter the Hextech Team of Truth Arena

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The Hextech race is one of those races that has the ability to lock equipment that is extremely annoying if you don’t pay attention. Many in the community are complaining about their strength, but beating a lineup that includes Hextech is not impossible.

As we all know, the Arena of Truth Hextech clan is used to lock all of your team’s equipment, in order to avoid the situation where players put items on a champion or are countered when using the Archer, Gunner squad. Master, Mage. And of course, you can also counter it with just a few of our tips below.

other images that cover hextech images are in high school
Hextech Tribe – The skill to lock all equipment of the opponent’s items

How to beat Teamfight Tactics Hextech

The ability of the Hextech race is understood as follows: Bomb an enemy unit with an item and disable all equipment for 8 seconds within a radius of 5 cells. At the start of the match, the game randomly decides to throw a bomb at an enemy unit. That bomb disables the item for 8 seconds, but the match time only lasts for half a minute (ie 30 seconds). And that’s just a combination of 2 Hextech generals, if 4 generals, the time will be 15 seconds.

Against Hextech comp is what you need to do in the first place. First, you can’t stack items on the same champion, attach your items to several champions. The more champions with items, the lower the chance of getting the main champion locked. Remember, do not place key units with a lot of items standing close to each other, to avoid being locked in equipment at the same time.

Go to the 2nd part of tactics and that’s unit placement. The Hextech Bomb disables all items on the champion it hits and all champions on that one adjacent tile. Using this advantage, placing champions on the edge of the map will have a smaller area of ​​influence than placing them in the front of the squad.

If you have a lot of items you’re looking to equip champions with, be sure to split everything up evenly among other champions or itemize distant champions like Yasuo. This is the safest form and helps ensure that a group of undefeatable Hextech champions completely lock your gear.

Beating the Hextech squad completely is a form of luck. You will have to change the way you play and your army arrangement skills in stages. If you keep equipping all your items on a champion and stack them side by side, you lose

Hopefully, with our strategy of countering the Hextech squad, our League of Legends will help you have new and bolder ideas in arranging the squad as well as equipping items, avoiding the situation of many champions being lost. locked in his squad.

The Truth Arena version 9.16 has had many changes after the appearance of the new Hextech race, Top The strongest team of Truth Arena 9.16 Listed by us in the article to help you have new tactics to use to climb to high positions on the rank rankings.

In addition, when playing the Arena of Truth, you need to write the most effective way to match the map, if you have no experience in this, please refer to the article Teamfight Tactics here.

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Source link: Tactics to counter the Hextech Team of Truth Arena
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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