Sync bookmarks between Firefox and Google Chrome

1331 - Emergenceingame
You are using both Firefox and Google Chrome browsers at the same time, syncing Bookmarks is not easy, syncing Firefox and Google Chrome will make it more convenient for you to use.

Most users install multiple browsers to use on one computer including Firefox, google chrome or coc coc. Previously, the browsers were all run separately, but now the new development allows synchronization between different browsers. If you use Chrome and Coc Coc together, you can move chrome bookmarks to cup cup or vice versa to use the same bookmarks between these two browsers

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Firefox and Google Chrome browsers are the two browsers that make up the majority of users. Synchronizing these two browsers will bring a lot of convenience to users

Firefox and Google Chrome – Sync bookmarks between 2 browsers

Need to install EverSync for two browsers first.

EverSync for Firefox browser

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Click select Add to Firefox to install

EverSync for Google Chrome browser

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If you already have a Gmail account, click EverSync for Chrome to install, otherwise you need to register a Gmail address to be able to install

Firefox Sync

Sign up for an account

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After registering for an account, go to Sync Bookmarks to install

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Then a dialog box will appear and you can sync Bookmark with 3 options: Merge, Upload, Download. Since it’s my first time using Ever Sync, I’ll press the . button Merge to connect data between the computer and the application server

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You only need to set it up once and the system will default for the next time

Sync Google Chrome

First sign in your Gmail account to sync Bookmarks

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Then tap on advanced sync settings ->OK

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I have finished instructing you how to synchronize 2 browsers firefox and chrome. With the synchronization feature of these two browsers, we hope to be able to manage data on the browser easily

Author: Nguyen Hai Son
(4.027 evaluate)
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Related keywords:

sync firefox bookmarks

sync chrome bookmarks, sync bookmarks,

Source link: Sync bookmarks between Firefox and Google Chrome

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