Superman’s 10 Deadliest Enemies (P.2)

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5. Brainiac

Brainiac is an alien robot and was once considered the most dangerous enemy of Superman in 1958. Initially, Brainiac’s target wasn’t Superman. But when he began to keep an eye on where Superman lived on Earth, ‘Superman’ couldn’t help but fight this villain. Brainiac possesses the most intelligent brain in the universe, and combined with advanced technical learning, makes him one of the “toughest” opponents, making Superman have many headaches to deal with.


4. Doomsday

In Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, surely everyone can hardly forget, the villain Doomsday is the only person who can put an end to Superman’s life. Doomsday is a monster created by Lex Luthor. In the story book Death of the Superman, Doomsday also once killed Superman to the surprise of readers. It can be said that Doomsday has performed his role right, as a pure villain. Although the number of appearances is not much, every time he is present, it brings Superman a lot of trouble.


3. Uxas/Darkseid

In terms of wits or bravery, Darkseid is also capable of crushing Superman. There has never been a time when Superman has completely won against this villain. He is the ruler of Apokolips and the Darkseid’s Elite. Apokolips was like hell when Darkseid appeared, with a cruel personality, this ruthless tyrant has imposed obedience and fear on all his subjects. Darkseid is an enemy that has repeatedly confronted Superman and the Justice League. Although he was alone against the world, Darkseid was never killed, only temporarily imprisoned. Not just inside top Superman’s strongest enemies, and he’s also one of the most formidable villains in the world DC Comics.


2. Lex Luthor

Being able to create a monster with terrible power like Doomsday, Lex Luthor is certainly not the medium type. Lex Luthor is not a man who “used his youth to confront Superman”. He both loves and hates this superhero. Throughout the history of the series, it seems that the number of times he has fought Superman is uncountable. And he also had many times defeated Superman. In Comic, he once killed Superman with a typical Krytonite weapon. Although after that, Wonder Woman brought Lex to justice, but this incident still made Superman fans feel extremely regretful.


1. Batman

Although in the same Justice League, but two superheroes who are always for the sake of justice, Batman and Superman have had many times of intense battle with each other, not inferior to the enemy. When Superman “mistakes his way”, Batman will wake him up. Or conversely, if Batman goes the wrong way, Superman will use force to pull Batman back. The battle of these two seems to have crossed the line of righteousness and evil. Although they fight, they still have the same goal of preserving peace for mankind. Therefore, every time the war between Superman and Batman breaks out, it is always the most exciting topic for DC fans.


Source link: Superman’s 10 Deadliest Enemies (P.2)

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