Summary of terms in CSGO

Hướng dẫn kê tâm trong CSGO

This guide summarizes CSGO terms to help new players understand CS: GO better, improve communication skills in the game, as well as watch tournaments, or just your English is not good. The article is compiled from the writer’s experience as well as referring to many sources. Will be updated if there are new words.

thuat ngu trong game co ban - Emergenceingame

CT: Counter-terrorist: police side

T: Terrorist: bandit party

Cover: support

Hold: hold position

Rush: push non-stop, even eat flash

Push: push out

Shift: walk

Hold site: keep site

Utility: refers to generic grenades.

Full nade: up to all grenades. There are 2 main types: 1 grenade, 1 smoke, 1 flash and 1 molotov. Or 2 flash, 1 smoke and 1 molotov

Molly: short for molotov (fire bomb)

Nade: short for grenade

Glass cannon: buy AWP without buying armor

Split: split. Split push means to separate and then push

Scrim: 5v5 practice between teams. Earn scrim: find a team to shoot, practice

Kobe: kill with nade

Save: save life, keep the gun, when aiming can’t win the round or the health is too weak.

Wallbang: chisel the wall

Boost: have teammates sit down to jump on top of them to climb to a higher position, or stand on top of them to watch (remember to stand up after a boost so they’re in a higher position).

Camp: stay on guard, don’t move, or support no matter what.

Care (Care A, Care B): watch out for A, watch out for B. Use it as a reminder to not neglect

Crouch Jump: sit and jump, press Ctrl + Space to climb.

Bunny Hop: jumps continuously without slowing down, the jumping technique is quite difficult.

TK: teamkill, kill you

FF: friendlyfire, shoot teammates.

Burst: 3-shot mode (famas and glock)

Runboost: two people on top of each other run to get momentum so that the person on top can jump higher and farther

Spam: shoot continuously by clicking continuously at the fastest time possible

Spray: ammo

Tap: shoot each bullet

Control recoil: adjust the path of bullets when bullets are discharged

Aim (Crosshair) placement: centering

ohoho min - Emergenceingame

Eco: don’t buy any guns (full-eco), or spend very little (green, nade), the goal is to have enough money (usually over $4k) in the next round to be able to buy a full gun. (preferably after spending the money should be over $2k, so that the next round can reach $4k)

Deco: buy deagle only (this term is more common in 1.6)

Drop (need drop): ask teammates to buy guns for you

Anti-eco: When you know the ability of the opponent to eco, build a gun that can make more money (such as SMG, shotgun) and reduce the drop of a good gun in the opponent’s hand.

Force-buy: buy guns with all you have, quite risky because the equipment will definitely be weaker than the opposing team

Half-buy: still buy guns, but maybe 2-3 people don’t have enough money to fully upgrade, but still decide to use all their money instead of keeping the money to buy the full round later.

Buy round: round to buy the full gun and utility.

servergiaidau min - Emergenceingame

MM (MatchMaking): Valve’s 5v5 competitive game mode, currently running only 64 ticks

64tick: 64 tickrate. The server processes information (computing) 64 times per second, or simply the server runs 64 frames per second. All MMs run 64 ticks

128tick: 128 tickrate. The server can process information (calculation) 128 times/second, or simply understand that the server can run 128 frames/sec. This means that the accuracy in the game is much higher. ESEA/FaceIT and tournaments always use 128 ticks – this is the international standard of competition. Note: need a screen from 120hz-144hz or more to optimize playing at 128 ticks, and a 60hz screen will not see the difference when playing 128 ticks or 64 ticks.

ESEA: ESEA’s 128 tick server system, with its own anti-hack

Faceit: FaceIT’s 128 tick server system, with its own anti-hacking system

Veto: the process of ban/pick (map selection) during the game

Best of 1: 1-map format

Best of 3: 3-map format: whoever wins 2 maps first wins the match (the other map does not have to be played)

Best of 5: 5-map format: whoever gets 3 maps straight first wins the match (the rest of the maps don’t have to play

Overtime: extra time, occurring at 15-15, the teams will continue to play until a winner is decided, usually only for tournaments. Some tournaments do not count extra time: ie 15-15, the result is a draw and the game is over.

MR3: overtime format, 3 rounds on each side, whoever gets to 4 first wins, if it’s a 3-3 draw, it starts again.

MR5: overtime format, 5 rounds on each side, whoever gets to 6 first wins, if it’s a 5-5 draw, it starts again.

Map pool: the number of maps understanding / ability to understand maps, the larger the map pool, the better at playing many maps

Timeout: a break in between, before the round starts.

Tactical timeout: tactical consultation
Technical timeout: stopping the match due to technical errors, note that while there is a technical timeout, teams cannot discuss tactics in any way.

cac tu chuyen mon trong tran dau min - Emergenceingame

Fake Site (Fake A or Fake B): entice the opponent to think that he is fighting this side, but the truth is attacking somewhere else.

Rotate: go support from one place to another, forced to abandon position, for example A rotate to B,

Crossfire: The pincer stance (forcing the enemy to have an opening behind, when being shot from both sides)

Rush … non-stop: rush, don’t stop (meaning when you see someone dead, just rush in, don’t be afraid to die but stop)

Default/ bomb default: basic bomb placement in each site for each map.

Retake: retake the site after the site has been taken over (usually CT retake)

Pre-fire: shoot first (shoot big), usually in positions where the enemy usually defends, or when they are approaching you, even though I have not seen them yet.

Chym (bird/knife): kill with a knife

Fake defuse: remove fake bombs, target to lure the enemy out of hiding/safe place.

Stack: focus on one side, Full Stack A: focus on A, B or mid positions will be vacant

Safe Plant: place bombs closed, minimize being shot while placing bombs. When you know the enemy is nearby and can block the bomb.

Fake Plant: pretend to plant a bomb to lure the CT to reveal, usually in a 1v1 situation.

Open Plant: place bombs in an open location, where everyone can see the bomb (not a closed location), making it easier to watch bombs from off-site locations

Lit, tagged: injured. He’s tagged for 40, which means it loses 40 health (60 hp left)

Legged: refers to the awp hitting the leg without dying, usually 1 green bullet to finish the opponent.

Dinked: gets hit in the head by headshot but doesn’t die, dink is the sound of being hit in the head

Toxic: the element that disrespects other players, intentionally insults, demeans, insults others.

212 : basic site sharing: 2A 1 Mid 2B

Gaygun (dak dak): semi auto rifle ($5000 in-game gun)

Setup bombsite: how to arrange a position at a site to defend (if it is T, then after placing the bomb)

Counter-flash: throw flash to fight back, usually used when you are flashed or forced by your opponent.

Teamwork: teamwork, here refers to a team-oriented way of playing

Comeback: come back upstream, often lose the lead but then slowly equalize and then win the game

Opening frag (Entry Frag): opening network.

Frag: network

Fragging power: the ability to kill, the higher the skill aim, the better.

Trade (trade kill): change lives, when 1 person dies, teammates must change lives so that teammates’ lives are not wasted.

Bait: be a decoy

Baiter: lover

Economy: economy, here is the overall money of the whole team, and the opponent

Choke: 2 meanings: 1.parameter data sent from server to your computer is lost

2. Loss of form, not playing right

Exit Frag: when the round ends, usually stay out of the loop to kill, cause economic damage to the opponent in the next round.

Keyround: the most important round that can affect the win or loss of the whole match (because the losing team will be weak in money and high eco in the next round)

ten goi cac vai tro trong game min - Emergenceingame

Lurker: stalking position, separate, separate from the team, often hook or block rotation

Entry Fragger: the first to take the kill, usually the best shot on the team

Strat Caller (IGL): captain, tactical caller in each round (eg: when eco, anti-eco, buy)

Awper: the team’s sniper

Clutcher: the last person alive and facing a 1v1 1v2 situation…

Main/primary awper: main aiming gun

Rifle/tanker: specializes in spear shooting

Support: mine expert, usually also rifle/tanker

Playmaker/keyplayer: player has divine shots that change the whole game or round.

phobienkhac min - Emergenceingame

Rifler: refers to the user ak/m4

1G: talking about guys who died in the fire
(see about the story of summit1g killing people and removing bombs, but who would have thought that if you jumped too early, you would have stepped on fire and died before defusing the bomb)
Noob: cock, referring to a bad player

Report: tell valve someone you mean cheater :))

Demo: replay of the match

Warmup: start up. Simply before playing MM or 5v5, go play deathmatch / shoot with bots to let your mind get used to it.

Afk: away from keyboard, refers to the act of entering the game without playing

Gh: good half (say at the end of the first round), this is a show of sportsmanship

Glhf: good luck have fun

Juan Deag: shot in the head with a deagle

Wall, aimbot, spinbot: refer to the type of hack in the game. Wall: see through the wall, aimbot: self-aligning head, spin bot: rotate around, the opponent falls down dead at home.

Ninja defuse: stealthily defuse the bomb so that the enemy does not know.

GG: good game. Saying when the game is over, win or lose, this is showing sportsmanship. Or another meaning that people often use in battle, is surrender =)

GGWP: Good game wellplay, same as above

Flank: hook the tire, hit from behind

Clutch: is the last person alive and wins that round.

Ace: single-handedly clean up the entire enemy team

Timing: moment, usually here referring to the decisive moment: just put the gun away, the enemy appears, or just turn away, it comes.

Sneak: stalking.

Bottom frag: bottom, kill the least

Top frag: top of the table, kill the most people

Drop ax bomb: drop a 20 bomb, get 20 lives (x is number)

Pick, get a pick: get odd lives. Picked means to be killed separately

Carry: carry the team, usually the best on the team

Ez, ezpz: too easy

Flick: mouse scale action.

Jumpshot: jumping and shooting, usually talking about killing people by jumping

No scope: awp/scout shoots without zoom

Smurf: high level players use low rank accounts to play (chicken onions)

Sticking it: CT continues to defuse the bomb, no matter what happens around.

VAC: figuratively divine shots, like hacking. Literally getting VAC Banned by Valve

engrisk min - Emergenceingame

(Thanks to Dante Nguyen for his contribution)

Let them come: Soup is waiting for them

Incoming: There they come (when you say this word, remember to say it out loud with an alarm tone to get everyone’s attention, you can add the site name first to make it clearer)

Cover me, I’m rushing (or charging) : Cover me, I’m up

Watch my back : Watch my back

Take cover, hide: hide

Don’t peek: Don’t peek

Boost me: My team is up somewhere

Don’t hunt: Don’t hunt it (like if we won the round for sure but you guys are greedy so go find it)

Don’t chase: Don’t chase it

Ambush: Ambush

In the corner: in the corner

Above you: on top

Beneath : below

Under… : Under something

Beside..: Beside something

Behind…: Behind something

Wallbang: shoot through the wall, Wallbang him: punch through the wall

Half HP: half health left, usually used in case 45-55 HP left

Low HP: less than 40 HP left

Very low HP : Usually less than 20 health, at that time should say “1 bullet he dies” for teammates to better understand

NT nice try: have try

BL bad luck: so unlucky

Source link: Summary of terms in CSGO

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