Stealing a motorbike at Net, the thief was beaten up by the people right at the battle

n nMAbQ - Emergenceingame

Perhaps there would be no need to warn so much about thefts occurring at stores net shop Now because it seems that this has become a “normal” problem that shop owners have to be careful about every day. In particular, the number one subject to mention is the “unprofitable” members who specialize in fighting at net shops just to stalk and steal. Phones, wallets, components, bicycles, motorbikes… whatever it is, just need its owner’s loopholes. This is extremely dangerous because if you’re not careful, not only will the restaurant’s assets “fly without wings” but also lose credibility with customers.

As recently, a net shop owner uploaded a clip recording a scene of a young man who was caught red-handed at the match for stealing a motorbike that was set up in front of the shop.

The new incident happened at about 5pm yesterday, June 28, 2018. Although he had carefully circled back and forth 2 times to explore, but as soon as he got in the car to start the engine, he was immediately discovered by people in the net shop and gathered around to beat him. Needless to say, he suffered a devastating blow from the people around him.​

The image is cut from the clip

The next paragraph has an elder’s hand to intervene but still can’t contain the aggression from this crowd. It is likely that the subject will then be taken by the public to present to the authorities to be punished for his behavior.

The incident is also considered too bad for the thief and lucky for the owner and owner of the car. However, in reality, luck is not always smiling like this, so net shop owners still need to be very careful to tighten security in their business areas to avoid encountering dangerous situations. regret. If so, the prestige and reputation of engine room New customers trust that often frequented. Because surely no one wants to spend money to go to a place where their assets are not guaranteed.​

Source link: Stealing a motorbike at Net, the thief was beaten up by the people right at the battle

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