Shroud confronts Apex Legends hacker to find out why he hacked

Shroud vs hacker Apex Legends

Thanks to his time as a professional CSGO player, Shroud is almost unrivaled in the FPS (first-person shooter) field due to his extremely good aim ability – no matter what game he plays.

However, on May 19, Shroud was defeated by a rival, leading to an interesting conversation between Shroud and this hacker.

Shroud confronts hackers in Apex Legends

While playing Respawn’s popular battle royale game, shroud ran into an opponent who quickly knocked him down.

Shroud whines to the viewer. “He just killed me, my God. Is there a hack? Hacked. I wonder why I died so quickly.”

Shroud continued to monitor the hacker, watching him take down another team with relative ease. Shroud believes the hacker “hates streamers” due to the character’s in-game name being ‘ImaTTVCringeKid’.

What makes the former CSGO player most confusing is why he hacked. “The sad problem with this guy is not that he hacks, but that he doesn’t play bad, but hacks,” he explained.

“This guy could have played the game great, but chose aimbot. He moves well – it must be said that he moves very well. If he plays normally, he can play well.”

Shroud Interviews Apex Legends Hacker

Realizing shroud was following him, the hacker warned the streamer that he was following shroud’s stream, prompting an interview between the two.

“Why are you hacking?” shroud asked, asking the hacker to respond by shooting at the wall. Hackers carved the word “IDK” on the wall, meaning “I don’t know”. Shroud continued: “Okay. So you don’t know why I hacked. Listen lad, your gameplay isn’t bad. I could have felt more satisfied when I took down the opponent by playing normally.”

Shroud asked the hacker one last question, asking about his age. The streamer and viewer watch the character move the gun to create a “25” stroke with the heart.

Shroud concluded: “Okay, you are 25 years old. That’s what I need to know. This is a 25 year old boy. There’s no way he’s 25, this is a lie. There’s no way a 25-year-old would act like that.”

While Respawn Entertainment continues to ban people who are found to be cheating in the game, which is a common occurrence, it still raises worrisome signals for the state of the game.

With hackers continuing to show up in Apex Legends, it’s hard to know exactly when the game will get rid of this problem.

Source link: Shroud confronts Apex Legends hacker to find out why he hacked

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