Avengers Infinity War witness Thanos triumph and succeed in wiping out half the universe. With that outcome, the Earth received a heavy loss when it had to see so many children leave and never return. But perhaps the image that steals fans’ tears the most is the scene Spider-Man melted into ashes in the painful eyes of Tony Stark – the image he probably considers as a second father.
It was also at that moment that people realized that Iron Man is probably the one who has to receive the most loss throughout the length of the MCU. He lost his parents in an assassination attempt, he lost his comrades because the world went crazy, he watched his best friend lose his legs, he also almost lost his beloved daughter to the enemy. Now most of all, Tony Stark must watch the boy he considers his son turn to ashes.
And those painful moments continue to make fans more heartbroken in the clip dedicated to Iron Man and the loss of Super hero this:
Source link: Shedding tears with the clip fans gave Iron Man after Spider-Man…
– Emergenceingames.com