Ranking of the best jungle champions in League of Legends preseason 8

Ranking of the best jungle champions in League of Legends preseason 8

In LEAGUE OF LEGENDS There is no balance, there are always champions that are stronger than the rest. So which junglers in season 8 stand out more?

When going to the jungle, there are quite a few things to consider before making a choice. The most important and obvious thing is that the champion you choose is more about attacking or protecting your teammates. Then there are the complex factors such as clearing speed, movement speed, ability to loot, and mobility. The best Jungle champions are the ones that can do everything well.

The list of top champions is always changing and depends on many factors. Sometimes the Meta is changed simply because of the preferences of the majority of players, but often the Meta will change when there is a certain difference between the strengths of the champions. It is very difficult to choose champions that are “trendy” and have a high win rate, and this article will help you do that.

Here’s a list of the currently ranked junglers:

Remember this is just pre-season so consider the champion that suits your playstyle and create your own rune board.

First Class

The champions in this rank possess outstanding strength in the current Meta, which is very suitable for solo rank climbing.


Do you want to try Rammus with 2000 running speed 🙂

Rammus is one of the champions that benefits from the new runes the most. Aftershock and many gems in the Steadfast branch help Rammus increase his resistance while still dealing significant damage. With Resist from Consistency, Rammus can completely turn to enchantment Blood Blade instead of fire demon to maximize damage from passive.


In Faker’s hands, it’s no longer a normal dragon but a dragon demon

Shyvana is also having a great day with a new rune board. She’s super strong in the early game, and then you can build a tank that can influence the game more late in the game. But that doesn’t matter because most matches don’t last that long. Ready to attack makes Shyvana still able to crush opponents even with tanky gear.


Piltover Guards has returned to glory in the list of jungle champion rankings for single rank. She was forgotten for months, even years. You can now play Vi in many ways with Aftershock, Electric Shock or Ready to attack. Great damage, good resistance, high mobility, Because is a top pick for the jungle position.


Boss is back and horrible

Quite surprising when Udyr is rated as one of the best junglers in the current version. Udyr never seems to have been favored by Meta and became too HOT in the past, except for a brief time in season 6 with enchantment. Echoes. But now Udyr is back thanks to Predator, Ready to Attack and special is Collect darkness.

Second Class

These are junglers that are quite difficult to play well, but once mastered, their effectiveness is very high.


Evelynn is a rather special case, she remained strong and popular for several months before being remade. After the rework, Evelynn was still quite difficult to master, but she is now stronger, and has very interesting gameplay. Although she is a very strong assassin, she has a weakness that is rare for any assassin, which is very weak before level 6. If her teammates in the lanes can do well up to level 6, Evelynn will become a monster. real monster.

Xin Zhao

In a period of time, Xin Zhao was in the TOP of the hottest junglers, but he has been nerfed too many times in recent months, and there has been a slight change in skill. The good news is, he probably won’t be changed again, and he’s still very strong if not too OP. Xin Zhao’s ganking ability is so terrifying, the victims are often forced to flash to escape from him at any given moment. Xin Zhao’s weakness is that he can be easily destroyed by mobile ADCs.


Sejuani has been a popular pick in the jungle for the past six months, waning a bit after she received a few nerfs but Sejuani is still a very strong champion. Sejuani’s only downside is that she can’t deal as much damage when building tanks like Rammus or Shyvana, but her influence in teamfights is undeniable.


Warwick hasn’t been hit much by RIOT since his rework in early 2017. That means he’s already a well-balanced champion, but that doesn’t mean he’s not stronger than most junglers. other. Warwick is also a tank that can deal a lot of damage. Although Warwick’s skill set is not really strong compared to Rammus or Sejuani, this is still a good choice.


Weapons Master Jax is considered one of the main teamfights of League of Legends, but it’s not a much-picked champion so far. Like Udyr, Jax is back thanks to a new rune, but not in top lane but jungle position. Ready to attack The massive boost to ganks makes it possible for Jax to effectively gank both early and mid game.

Jarvan IV

As the prince of Demacia, Jarvan is no stranger to the arena of justice. In the jungle position, Jarvan IV is also a favorite choice for many people when this guy can go up in the direction of attack or defense depending on each game. Despite being nerfed many times, Jarvan is still a scary pick in the jungle.

Third place

These champions are not too strong in the current meta, but if you are proficient, you can still choose these champions for ranked matches.


Kha’Zix was strong in the first half of 2017, but has dropped significantly since the resistant jungle meta became popular in the summer. After the mastery was redesigned, the assassins also returned to the jungle position and competed with the tankers, and Kha’Zix was the best choice of them all. However, with Kha’Zix, you need to be a little more careful when dealing with tanky junglers on your team.


Shaco the clown has also returned as an assassin in the carnivorous jungle meta. Tank champions aren’t over yet, but Shaco is still a strong damage pick. Like Kha’Zix, it will be very difficult for this demon clown to win against the sturdy tankers on your team, so it takes quite a while to learn about this clown. Shaco is also a pretty fun choice if you like killer jungle.


For the first time since its release, Kindred is in the meta. The reason you can probably guess, is the new rune board. Kindred was redesigned this summer to play more like a more traditional ADC, which means they wanted to build Kindred that deals damage based on shot, attack speed and physical damage, but it’s not. Fortunately, Kindred doesn’t have enough fire speed to clear jungle monsters quickly. branch Exactly grants Kindred a large amount of attack speed. Although it can’t be compared with the top TOP junglers of League of Legends, Kindred is also a very fun and strong option for you to choose.


Last on our list is the Sorrowful Mummy, Amumu, who has been somewhere on this list for the past year. Amumu is a mage with a lot of wide-area moves, which makes good use of his newly-revised Riot passive, dealing more true damage to his victims. Although the jungle speed is quite slow and easy to kite, if you need a tanky champion that can still deal a lot of magic damage, there is no champion like Amumu.

Last question: where did Lee Sin go????

Source : Dotesport

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Source link: Ranking of the best jungle champions in League of Legends preseason 8
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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