Rank system changed big in March

Rank system changed big in March

The rank climbing system will be reworked! We should see these changes as soon as March begins. These changes will be updated in February.

Here are the details of the new ladder system:

  • Card back will be received after winning 5 matches per month.
  • All ranks are 5 stars.
  • When the new season starts, your rank will be 4 ranks lower than at the end of the season – including stars.
  • Rank rewards are determined by the highest rank you achieved during the season.
  • There will be a spike in rank, but not to the extent that everyone can be a Legend
  • There will be no change in the win streak structure.
  • The ceiling rank system (20, 15, 10, 5) still applies.

Will these changes make rankings better? Watch the video below or the article below:

At the beginning of March 2018 of the rank system, Blizzard will change the Rank experience of Hearthstone.

Here’s what you should know:

    • You’ll get a card back by winning five Ranked matches that season, no matter what rank you’ve reached. You will no longer need to reach Rank 20 to receive a card back.
      • After each match, the in-game interface will show you how many more matches you need to win to receive card back in that season’s Rank. You can check your progress with Quest Log

Hệ thống rank thay đổi lớn vào tháng Ba - Emergenceingame

  • All Ranks have 5 stars.
      • The player rank will ‘reset’ exactly 4 ranks lower than the current one, including the number of stars you had before. For example:
        • Rank 14, 2 stars will reset to Rank 18, 2 stars
        • Rank 1, 3 stars will reset to Rank 5, 3 stars
        • Rank 10.0 stars will reset to Rank 14, 0 stars
        • Legend players will reset to Rank 4, 0 stars

Step into the New System:

Several elements of the old and new system will exist side-by-side in the early stages:

      • In the February Rank system, you need to reach Rank 20 to receive the card back. And at the end of the season, the card’s rank will reset four ranks below its current position.
      • Starting into the Rank system in March, you will only need to win 5 matches to receive the card back. At the end of the season, your rank will reset to four ranks below your current position.

Hệ thống rank thay đổi lớn vào tháng Ba 1 - Emergenceingame

This update allows people at the top of the ladder to get started immediately by pairing up with opponents of the same rank, making the match more engaging while reducing the time it takes to climb to the right position. their true rank. This will improve the experience of all Hearthstone players, including those who are just climbing the ladder for the first time. Since players will be more appropriately matched early in the season, they can make the right progress in climbing the ranks against opponents of the same skill set. Blizzard wants the experience of climbing ranks in the Hearthstone Ranked Play ladder to be fun, challenging, and satisfying.

Source link: Rank system changed big in March
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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