Psychology of playing Dota 2: How to win with the feeder and break the game in the team?

Psychology of playing Dota 2: How to win with the feeder and break the game in the team?

Here is the post translated from xuisoko on Reddit:

I just played a game with pos 5 Pudge and 2 offlanes that broke the game in my team. I decided not to flame anyone. Instead, I decided to intelligently manipulate my teammates towards victory. And that worked! You can watch the video to understand the full story.

In fact, you don’t need magic teammates to win Dota. What we need is a cool head and the ability to manipulate. Here are 5 rules you should follow:

1. Flame as well as saying it’s okay creates a toxic environment in the team

Don’t flame a teammate, but don’t tell them it’s okay if they make a mistake. Instead, give them a clear idea of ​​what to do next.

I told my teammates it was okay. For that person it’s fine, but the rest of the team will be booing: “It’s okay, it should be like this, like that.” This is not a 2v2 game but a 5v5 game.

When communicating, think of all 5 players. Let them be the ones to draw their own conclusions.

Example: Lane is losing, pos 5 can’t pull and keeps dying every time trying to pull.

Tell them: “I don’t think we can pull safely in this lane, so what do you think we can do?”. If they don’t answer, they may be shy, but it will help them to be proactive in the discussion.

At this point, say: “Instead of pulling, stay in the lane and work together to stop the opponent from pulling.”

2. Time to communicate

If you want your teammates to do something, say it when they’re ‘high’ with dopamine (the happy hormone).

For them to enjoy the game for a while, wait until they:

  • Eat a hero/turret/roshan
  • Get an expensive item or a good neutral item
  • Exit a gank
  • Toss a magic processing phase

Each of these points can bring ‘excitement’ to players even in the most difficult moment of the game. Take advantage of this to time your communication.

Someone who is both happy will have a higher probability of responding to your request, rather than someone who has just died.

3. Prioritize the order of communication

If there are 3 potential feeders on the team, communicate and solve the serious problem first. In the opening video, the team’s Kunkka is threatening to ‘give’ Rapier to the opposing Medusa.

This is the most important issue that needs to be addressed. Less serious issues like flame and jungling should be dealt with later.

4. Don’t look down on your teammates

Just because teammates are bored doesn’t mean they’re stupid. Dota gamers will know when you are looking down on them.

The method below will work. Don’t say “great”, if they deny a ranged creep after dying 40 times in lane. They know you’re treating them like a baby.

Although in the video I say treat them like a child’s ass in the video, don’t let them know that you are manipulating them. This is the crux of the matter: make them feel like they’re being heard.

Are you mid 10/0 while offlane team is 0/4? Ask them what item you should add next. Even if you already know what you should do, if you are the strongest hero and consult them, it will increase their self-esteem a bit.

5. The game isn’t over if ancient hasn’t exploded yet

Wait until ancient explodes to completely flame your teammates, if you are toxic.

In the game, you can always flip the game. I used to win games with a difference of 50k networth.

Winning the game makes you happy, not flame. And if the probability of winning is only 0.5%, don’t make it 0.00% by flame. Instead, motivate teammates to increase that number to 2%.

Overall, watch the video, you can see everything and how I apply it in the game with pos 5 Pudge and 2 game breakers.

You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:

Source link: Psychology of playing Dota 2: How to win with the feeder and break the game in the team?

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