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Prince Anduin turns death and overwhelms the meta with Highlander Priest

Prince Anduin turns death and overwhelms the meta with Highlander Priest

It’s been a long time since we saw Priest at the top of the metagame like it is now when Highlander Priest is proving to be a comprehensive deck in both anti Aggro and the ability to fight equally in control matches.

Overview Introduction

Highlander Priest is a control-oriented deck with the ability to clear the table with strong AoE combos, great healing ability and most especially the ability to end the game quite well from the combo of destroying Raza The Chain and Death Knight Shadowreaper Anduin .

Neira’s Highlander Priest #7 legend.

#1x (0) Silence

#1x (1) Holy Smite

#1x (1) Northshire Cleric

#1x (1) Pint-Size Potion

#1x (1) Potion of Madness

#1x (1) Power Word: Shield

#1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos

#1x (2) Doomsayer

#1x (2) Golakka Crawler

#1x (2) Loot Hoarder

#1x (2) Mind Blast

#1x (2) Novice Engineer

#1x (2) Radiant Elemental

#1x (2) Shadow Visions

#1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain

#1x (2) Spirit Lash

#1x (2) Wild Pyromancer

#1x (3) Acolyte of Pain

#1x (3) Shadow Word: Death

#1x (3) Tar Creeper

#1x (4) Gnomish Inventor

#1x (4) Kazakus

#1x (4) Priest of the Feast

#1x (4) Shadow Word: Horror

#1x (5) Lyra the Sunshard

#1x (5) Raza the Chained

#1x (6) Dragonfire Potion

#1x (6) Holy Fire

#1x (7) Prophet Velen

#1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin

Code decks:


Important cards

Highlander Priest currently has 2 main gameplay, the first is focusing on the ability to control the table with many strong clear board combos such as Pint-size Potion – Shadow Word: Horror, Auchenai Soulpriest-Circle Healing, Bloodmage Thalnos-Spirit Lash. The second gameplay has the tendency of an OTK deck when adding cards like Mirage Caller or a 0 mana penguin to combo with Prophet Velen. However, both of these playstyles have a few important cards:

Raza the Chain: Raza can be said to be the most important card of the current Highlander Priest deck when it is both a minion with a good body, Raza’s effect is an immediate effect and has an immediate impact on the game and more. Also it has a very strong connection with DeathKnigh’s HeroPower Voidform. It is of utmost importance that you ALWAYS keep this card in your hand

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 1 - Emergenceingame
Raza is the most important card and should be drawn as soon as possible

Shadowreaper Anduin: The strongest Death Knight version has no cards other than death Anduin even though the Battlecry effect is quite strong with HeroPower being too strong and providing active table control and endgame, something Priest doesn’t have. before.

Lyra the Sunshard: Lyra pairs extremely well with the Highlander deck when it is the essential snowball tool of the deck, combines extremely well with DeathKnight’s heropower or simply good luck finding lethal damage.

Kazakus: Even after the time when Kazakus dominated the meta, this card is still combined with Highlander decks when Kazakus Potion brings great value, especially it is very difficult to play around when the opponent can’t know what you will pick for. KazakusPotion.

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 2 - Emergenceingame
Kazakus Potion is extremely valuable and hard to play around

Basic gameplay and common matchups

Basically, Highlander Priest focuses on controlling the table, destroying the opponent’s strong and annoying minions, using Raza as soon as possible and ending the match with Shadowreaper Anduin.

1. Face off against Aggro decks

The current Aggro decks are quite strong like Tempo Rogue, Zoolock, Pirate Warrior or Hunter all have the ability to occupy the table very early, especially when Prince Keleseth is hotter than ever, these decks are even stronger. When confronting these decks, the most important task is to survive and clear all enemy minions. To do this, you must find the best way to use Potion of Madness to destroy as many enemy minions as possible.

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 3 - Emergenceingame
The Second Prince is quite hot recently, making aggro decks extremely uncomfortable

Go head-to-head with Control decks

DeathKnight Mage: Basically, this is a very long game when both have a lot of tools to control the table but not many minions to apply pressure. Therefore, Highlander Priest’s ability to win lies in the ability to get the Raza-Shadowreaper Anduin combo as quickly as possible and deal continuous damage to the enemy hero.

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 4 - Emergenceingame
DK Mage wants to snowball, you need to destroy the minion with HP, you just need to cast spell and shoot HP in the face of the opponent to win.

Handlock: This matchup will likely also drag on when both sides eat damage, but Highlander Priest needs to be very alert when playing when you need to prepare clearboard options when the opponent uses Bloodreaver Gul’dan. If you can defeat Warlock’s demons twice, the victory will most likely favor Priest

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 5 - Emergenceingame
Defeating the demon swarm not once but twice is paramount to defeating Handlock

Special markets

JadeDruid: when confronting JadeDruid, you need a Skulking Geist and must use it as soon as possible to prevent the Jade Golem situation from being too big, the second is to clear the enemy’s small minions, use Shadowreaper Anduin to destroy remaining large Jade golems and end the match when the opponent has all the deathcards in hand

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 6 - Emergenceingame
Jade Idol Triggered LUL

Miracle Rogue: when facing Miracle Rogue, you should have Shadow Word: Death or Silence ready to deal with the opponent calling out big Edwin Vancleef or Questing Adventure early and destroy the remaining large monsters with Shadowreaper Anduin. When you destroy all of Miracle’s big monsters, your opponent has nothing left to win against you.

Hoàng tử Anduin hóa tử thần và áp đảo meta với Highlander Priest 7 - Emergenceingame
The magical assassin is pretty cool against Highlander Priest

Happy climbing!

Written by: MissingMiddle

Source link: Prince Anduin turns death and overwhelms the meta with Highlander Priest
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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