CS:GO How to handle situations when you have low health

CS:GO How to handle situations when you have low health

There are many ways that you can deal with low health, depending on the situation and factors in that round.

Translated source from Steel iBP’s guide

How are you supposed to approach the game with low hp?

There are many ways that you can deal with low health, depending on the situation and factors in that round.

If you have an advantage over 1 or 2 people, WHEN YOU’RE WITH WOMAN T and you are low health, you should be flanker (tire growth) or map controller (watch in key positions). At low health, the chance of surviving a bombsite attack (A or B) is very low but when you have an advantage over humans, keep an eye on rotation positions (like dust 2 in Mid), to be able to block CT can rotate (change to support position) is a good choice for you when low health. 1 example: map dust 2, the team got 2 lives. you know opponent 1 in B, 1 in A and 1 don’t know where. Placing the low health player on the team in the green box (top mid right) or B tunnels while the attacking team A is one way to increase the probability of winning. Bloody teammates have a higher chance of getting site A and you (low health) can turn a disadvantage (low health) into an advantage by holding a key position in the map to deal with rotators (CT moves) from B to A). The probability that the team can’t win that round 4v2 on A in this situation is extremely low.

Cách xử lí tình huống khi bạn còn ít máu - Emergenceingame

If you are at a disadvantage in terms of people (like 3v4) and you know where the awper is, actively attacking the awper aggressively with low health is a wise choice, because you will die with 1 bullet anyway. awp. This increases round balance (turns into 3v3) from disadvantage.

If you are at a disadvantage or in terms of people, you can become Phan Dinh Giot (the hero that fills the hole) to get information for the team. If the team does not know the exact location of the enemy, you can use your life to get useful information (when rushing out to know where the enemy is), so that the team can get a trade kill (ie 1 for 1 exchange). 1) and hold map control (ie, I take the initiative of the whole map). CT will often split into 2-1-2 (2B 1 mid 2A) or 2-3 (2B 3A) on dust 2, T can (usually in all situations), overwhelm CT in numbers and turn into count. 3v3/2v2 situation after placing the bomb.

WHEN YOU’RE ON CT’S side and no one has died, choosing the angle, position where only your head is exposed (i.e. only your head can be seen on the other side) is a good choice, because you’re going to die in 1 parachute anyway. shot in the foot or face. Changing lives in this situation is extremely important in that round.

When you’re on CT’s side and are at a one- or two-man disadvantage, you can choose to keep stacking with the team (follow the team) or keep the gun (save) if T doesn’t attack your site.

When you’re on CT’s side and have an advantage over one or two people, stay hidden and put T in a position where he’s forced to expose himself if T wants to kill you. If T tries to chase you to kill you, make sure you always have a teammate in a position where you can trade your life with T. For example: dust 2, B , defend in Car, stay hidden, 1 support person on Bombsite, T is required to reveal his whole body to be able to kill you in Car, now T is completely open-minded and has no place to hide, CT in the site can easily kill T.

This case covers nearly all situations. There is controversy whether you should give awp to someone with low health if you know where the awper is so you can actively be aggressive in a 1v1 situation. ANSWER IS THAT YOU CANNOT CONTROL the MAP BY GIVENING AWP TO A LESS BLOOD PERSON who only knows RIFLE (AK or M4) and thinks you can win their awper. Instead, use people with low health to prey on those with full health by using them to check dangerous, key locations where the other side can set up Crossfire (ie standing between 2 enemy bullets). ), use less health to find traps, like dust 2 then Goose, Ninja spot, A long Car.

Source link: CS:GO How to handle situations when you have low health
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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