Locations where combat helicopters appear in Call of Duty Warzone

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The helicopter locations in Call Of Duty Warzone are not a hidden meaning or something too secret. But when we have played Call Of Duty Warzone we need to really know its position because it is good for you and your teammates.

The location of the helicopters in Call of Duty Warzone is fixed, players need to know Helicopter locations in Call of Duty Warzone so that you can plan your teammate. Let’s see which positions are in the game.

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Helicopter locations in Call of Duty Warzone.

Helicopter locations in Call of Duty Warzone

There are a total of 8 locations in Call of Duty Warzone that have helicopters that you can reach. Players only need to memorize the helicopter location in Call of Duty Warzone.

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First we have a fixed map in Call of Duty Warzone, depending on where you decide to land as well as the game “spreads” you according to which position on the map, that will determine the location. to the plane you need to go to.

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The first two locations that you need to know where aircraft may appear include DAM and Military Base. With the Military Base, it will be easier to find the plane’s location when coming here.

but the number of points of departure is in the call of duty warzone 4

The next location is quite easy to find when it is right below with the Airport and the rest you can find around the TV Station area near the stadium in the game. These areas often appear quite often, so it will be very dangerous for players to use planes here.

but the number of points of departure is in the call of duty warzone 5

The next two positions we can see right next to it are the hospital area just below. And near the TV Station there is also a place with direct duty around the tall buildings there. You just need to climb above the building to see if the plane is there.

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The final location is in the prison in the lower corner of the map, and partly in the port. Both areas are very easy to find helicopters.

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The map in Call of Duty Warzone provides you with a lot of information, in which you can find the helicopter icon “heli” when you zoom enough in the map.

but the number of points of departure is in the call of duty warzone 8

Note that the helicopter location in Call of Duty Warzone is completely random, not always appearing on all 8 locations in the game. The finding can therefore be purely coincidental.

but the number of points of departure is in the call of duty warzone 9

You should also consider when using the plane because it is always a target for other players to notice.

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Through the above article, we have known the helicopter locations in Call of Duty Warzone. Depending on the location of the crash, find the plane location that is closest to you and your team.

Call of Duty Warzone is a completely free game, so invite your friends to play Call of Duty Warzone right away. Refer to the article on how to Play Call of Duty Warzone Free through this article.

In addition, the ping commands in the game Call of Duty Warzone are also very useful, you need to know how to use the ping command as reasonably as possible to use it. ping in Call of Duty Warzone effective.

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Source link: Locations where combat helicopters appear in Call of Duty Warzone
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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