League of Legends: Top 9 strongest passives in League of Legends (P.2)

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5. Fire Rage – Annie


Not adding the same amount of damage as Veigar, but Annie also possesses an equally powerful passive that can help her become extremely powerful in combat. With 4 uses of the skill, Annie can have the ability to stun with her next move.

It sounds simple, but this is one of the extremely useful things that make up your play generals this. She can use it to stun a single target with her Q – Fireball that has the ability to target. In addition, Annie can also use W Ignite and R Summon Tibbers to create a mutant phase in teamfights. With her high interactivity, it is not difficult to understand why Annie’s passive always makes the opponent be wary in League of Legends.

6. Decay – Vel’koz


If you are a fan of Truth Arena It must have been no stranger to the extremely low standard damage from Vel’koz every time he used the move. Is one magician Mid lane has been around for a long time, Vel’koz at the moment is also a support position with a super annoying poke ability.

Coming to the mid and late game, Vel’koz became a real ferocious god in tight terrain as well as places out of sight. With only 3 correct uses of the skill, Vel’koz will have an extra large amount of true damage that he can weaken until knocking down all enemies that have hit the stack. Not only does it bring discomfort, it also helps Vel’koz become one of the Mages that possesses an extremely valuable standard damage that is only seen in Gladiators.

7. League Draven – Draven


Just like his brother Darius, Draven is also greatly favored by Riot when designing for him the most unique passive that all champions have. Archer everyone wants to have. As you know, gold in League of Legends is always very valuable and it is especially important for ADC – the position is considered the main source of damage for the whole team.

Fortunately, Draven’s passive satisfied him with that. For each stack of admiration, Draven will gain 2 bonus gold for killing enemies and an additional 20 bonus gold. His early game spikes can help Draven gain a superior power threshold in the laning phase with items that are dispatched earlier than the enemy, thereby snowball game quickly. However, again and again, this is a double-edged sword as it can make enemies focus more on Draven and cause him to lose stacks for a moment if defeated.

8. Isolation – Kha’zix


Next on the list is the location go to the forest with prominent and familiar names, starting with the name Mantis Kha’zix. As a long-time assassin in League of Legends, Kha’zix possesses a large amount of damage and killer gameplay when he can damage the target in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, Kha’zix is ​​especially scary in areas of vision and when the enemy is moving alone thanks to the Isolation and Potential Danger passive. Not only has the ability to slow down the target, Kha’zix also has an increased attack range and tons of damage to the enemy when they are far away from his teammates. Combined with the Gem of Slash of Grace, Kha’zix can easily finish off his prey in just a combo that comes with his passive and make them unable to react in a split second.

9. Love Photo – Evelynn


If Kha’zix or Rengar or many other generals have to use skills or even use the ultimate to be invisible for a moment, Evelynn possesses the ability to literally be invisible in the match. .

When she reaches level 6, Evelynn will possess the ability to continuously stealth in the match called Shadow Shadow, she can freely move without fear of being detected by the opponent if she is not too close. Although it does not increase the amount of damage like other assassins, but Shadow gives Evelynn a special advantage in terms of her gameplay. With her passive alone, she can walk behind her target and wait for them to let their guard down to attack. Not only that, she can also spy on the enemy’s situation then wriggle and rob important targets and safely withdraw with her ultimate. Because of the unnamed benefits in terms of gameplay, Evelynn is always an annoying card to create mutations in the jungle position.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 9 strongest passives in League of Legends (P.2)
– Emergenceingames.com

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