League of Legends: Top 5 top laners worth playing version 10.19

gamehub.vn tuong duong tren 10.19 6 - Emergenceingame

1. Sylas


Sylas is a generals extremely special with the ability to copy the ultimate attack of the enemy. Especially since Thief’s cooldown was gradually reduced in patch 10.19. Besides, Sylas can also cause hard control, slow, approach, assassinate the target and restore health very well. Therefore, you should also note that Sylas has a short range of skills, easy to crush, leading to a loss of level when confronting long-handed champions, strong long-range pokes. At the same time, the most difficult thing of this card is that it requires players to know how to choose the ultimate moves to steal appropriately in each different combat situation, because there will be a few ultimate moves that will not bring them back. any effect on Sylas.

2. Camille


If you have followed the professional league then you will find this girl extremely scary with the ability to stack damage, knock down 1 target quickly. In addition, Camille is extremely powerful with effective maneuverability and split push. Therefore, once you have mastered this champion, you will not be bored with any opponents in top lane again. When it was first released, Camille was often compared to Fiora and was rated by many as “no door”, but when you have good control of Camille, perhaps we need to revisit this comparison.

3. Fiora


Needless to say, you already know that, Fiora famous With the maneuver skill set, the W can block the opponent’s hard control. If Fiora is in the hand of a gamer If you master it, it’s not difficult to counter the enemy team’s gank phase by taking the opponent’s life. Possessing a set of skills with the ability to deal extremely strong damage and good recovery, can go lane and solo with any champion. Especially in the late game with a full set of equipment, Fiora can see off opponents on the counting board easily whether it’s a fighter or a tanker.

4. Malphite


Tanks and initiators are always a familiar choice for top laners. Among them, Malphite is the most easily familiar card for new players. Malphite can play well with many different builds. This champion’s skill set is also very simple with only 1 directional skill being the unstoppable ultimate, while Malphite’s resistance can have a huge impact in teamfights if the player has can use precise attack timing.

5. Jax


Jax is a card where almost all skills are directed towards a single and ultimate goal of solo victory over opponents in the same lane. Especially the “hand turn” technique that both stuns and avoids hand-to-hand damage. Jax’s mobility with Q is also one of the reasons why junglers feel more secure in ganks, as well as ensuring Jax can fight well independently in the early game.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 top laners worth playing version 10.19
– Emergenceingames.com

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