League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

Revealing the top 5 easy-to-play, easy-to-use generals that will help you climb ranks easily and quickly in the new season of 2020 at 5 different locations on the summoner’s rift arena. Top 5 champions that are easy to rank up in the 2020 season are easy to play and easy to hit, helping you to refer to your rank climbing process.

1. Top – Malphite

Perhaps for every gamer of league of legends, whether at high or low rank is no stranger to Malphte – This mobile rock.

It can be said that Malphite has one of the easiest skillsets to play in League of Legends, and even gamers who are new to League of Legends can use him easily. Although he has a simple skill set, his ability to engage in teamfights is extremely good, and has a certain importance in combat. As one gamer said “You can play Malphite and feed from the start to the end, but once you Ultimate the whole enemy team, you’ll be the hero!”

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

With a simple skill set, easy to play and easy to hit, with high resistance thanks to basic stats and skill sets, adding the ability to engage in total combat, initiate teamfights with extremely good teammates when tanking, or catch Single target easily if at full AP makes him a nightmare for any enemy. It is very easy to climb the rank in the new 2020 season.

2. Mid – Annie

Annie – The Shadow Child has always been a terrible mistake for many mid laners from the beginning until now. Thanks to possessing an extremely simple skill set, but extremely annoying and scary because of the ability to stun, stack damage on single or multi-target, it is completely possible to vaporize your whole team with just one click. 1 combo.

Annie’s laning ability is also extremely easy and beneficial compared to other mages, because her Q – Flower Ball skill both deals great damage and restores mana when finishing the target. , so as long as you skillfully farm soldiers a little, you will last a long time without fear of wasting mana.

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

With a simple set of skills, the ability to put great damage, a good stun passive, and the ability to overcome the total combat ability of the 2 wide area skills of W and R, Annie deserves to be in the top of the simple generals. , easy to play, easiest to climb rank in the new season 2020.

However, besides the outstanding strengths mentioned above, Annie also has some disadvantages such as no escape skills, fragile early game, easy to die, so in the early stages of the game you You should focus on farming soldiers, warding off vision control, judging the enemy team’s jungle direction carefully to avoid early gank.

3. Amumu – Forest

Among the top junglers that are easy to play, easy to rank up. With the ability to clear the forest super fast with the E – Fury, it both deals damage to enemy champions, reduces damage to yourself and helps to eat jungle monsters easily and quickly without losing much health.

Skill Q – Bandage Toss helps to reach enemy champions from afar and not stun easily, giving teammates quality ganks. Combined with the ultimate move R – Nguyen’s Word of the Sorrowful Mummy, it gives a wide range of control, extremely useful in teamfights, making the whole enemy team afraid in situations where they stand too close to protect. for each other.

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

However, Amumu consumes a lot of energy in the early game, and is easier to fall in love with than some carnivorous jungle champions like: Leesin, Elise,… So in the early jungle you should pay attention. Watch out for blue buffs, and control your jungle judgment.

4. Support – Blitzcrank

As one of the most banned supports in ranked matches, with a ban rate of up to 13.4%, Blitzcrank must be no stranger to many gamers, with a simple skill set but Extremely annoying, the ability to close, knock, silence, stun, and long range makes Blitzcrank always create quite a lot of pressure on the enemy team.

Possessing the range of Q – Missile Hand is extremely long, as long as the target of the enemy champion moves through the opening, he can receive it, with strong control ability, great damage, and relative resistance. How can your team’s opponents escape. Combined with the skill W – Acceleration, giving Blitzcrank high movement speed, support ganking, roaming and super strong close.

Blitzcrank’s R – Electromagnetic Field ult deals a fairly large amount of damage to enemy targets, not to mention his ability to silence all nearby enemy champions within range of the Electromagnetic Field for powerful effects. lots of advantages in combat.

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

However, in the early stages of the game Blitzcrank consumes, depends a lot on energy, along with directional pulling skills, so it also needs accuracy and personal skill from gamers.

5. ADC – Missfortune

Missfortune – Bounty Hunter is one of the easiest AD carry champions to play, possessing good laning, extremely strong in the early and mid game.

With the passive, Love Attack deals double damage every time she hits a new target, making it easy for her to farm minions in lane. Skill Q – Shot One Take Two Shields for Missfortune becomes a nightmare, if you have to face her, absolutely don’t hide behind low health minions, and accept to lose some minion stats, because Just one critical Q shot, you’ll lose a whole column of health.

League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions

W – Strut both helps Missfortune increase attack speed, and increases her movement speed, giving her the ability to run away, or reach the target easily. However, it has not really given Missfortune high mobility, so it still needs good coordination with teammates.
The ultimate move R – Bullet Storm deals super-strong wide-area damage, if you choose a good position in the teamfight, the entire enemy team’s squad will evaporate quickly.

The above is a reference list of the top 5 easy-to-play and easy-to-climb champions in the new 2020 season, in 5 different laning positions of League of Legends, for your reference. Let’s turn on the device and try it now.

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Source link: League of Legends: Top 5 easy-to-play champions, easiest to rank up in the new season 2020 at 5 laning positions
– Emergenceingames.com

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