League of Legends: Top 10 tips to help you become a top laner (P.1)

gamehub.vn ba chu duong tren 0 - Emergenceingame

1. Hold it soldier in the first 3 troops

When choosing for yourself strong generals in the early stages, you need to actively engage from level 1 to push the enemy away from the minions, strike straight whenever the enemy comes close. At this point you need to push the minion as slowly as possible so that until the 3rd horde will have 9 to 12 minions pushing straight into the enemy turret.


At that time, you have reached level 3 and have a lot of options such as summoning the jungle, freezing, taking the initiative to get attacked gank and fight 1v2 with the help of the soldiers, or solo kill opponents right in the turret while there is a level difference. Finally, retreat to help the forest invade.

2. Pick a counter champion

If you want to win lane in the simplest way, you can choose hard counters, This way the difference in champion quality will be what helps you suppress the opponent during the match.


3. Make effective use of 3 shots early game teleport

The first time you teleport, you should use a little “selfishness” to return top lane keep the minions, make sure the armor doesn’t peel off quickly.

The second teleport should go to bot lane to help teammates because in current meta bot lane has a certain influence on the game, not to mention there is a chance to eat a Dragon if you win the fight.


The 3rd teleport, you should aim at places with large targets to be able to make the most of the squad’s snowball opportunities.

4. odd push accordingly

When pushing split, you need to pay attention to look at the map, do not push too high if your teammates are not nearby. Only push low when you don’t see many enemies on the minimap because then the enemy may be waiting for you to push high to catch a split.


5.Understand when you are weak

Even when choosing a champion on the upper hand, you can also fall into a weak position. For example, if your team’s forest is in the bottom half of the map, you need to limit the fight because the enemy jungle can appear at any time.


When you have a lot of minions pushing into the tower, you need to be careful last hit and avoid getting killed because now if the fight will lose a lot of minions that the enemy can poke when you try to last hit, you can even get frozen if the enemy jungle comes up with a Herald or something that’s similar.​

Source link: League of Legends: Top 10 tips to help you become a top laner (P.1)
– Emergenceingames.com

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