League of Legends: Leaked skills of new champion, Seraphine mage

gamehub.vn ky nang seraphine 0 - Emergenceingame

After Samira was released to the public, right now, all the fans’ eyes are on Seraphinethe next mage general in League of Legends universe. However, what is revealed is still relatively limited, and there are many rumors surrounding this girl. The most notable of which are skill-related revelations.


Seraphine’s passive uses the eco mechanism, allowing her to use the skill twice, quite similar to the cooldown mechanism of Jilin. If Seraphine casts a skill near an ally, she gains extra attack range and damage on her next attack. This passive can create some combos, or when combined with the E skill, Seraphine will create virtual armor for all surrounding allied champions. Thus, Seraphine can create armor and heal allies continuously. This mechanism is really buggy, so Riot Games adjustments must be made so that players cannot use them easily.

Currently, there is no information about Seraphine’s Q, W and ultimate skills. Therefore, it is not possible to confirm that this female singer is an attack or support mage, or it may be both.


In addition, the disclosure of such information may be the plan of Riot Games in implicitly polling the community, especially when the recently created or modified champions are too strong, greatly affecting the meta professional competition.

Like Sena in 2019, Seraphine suddenly appeared on the doorstep Worlds, but she is much more strongly promoted by Riot. With the role of a virtual singer, Seraphine promises to appear regularly in music shows big event of the League of Legends.​

Source link: League of Legends: Leaked skills of new champion, Seraphine mage
– Emergenceingames.com

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