League of Legends: Don’t know how to play games or make jokes, young people feed to 700 lives in 1 game

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One player League of Legends recently broke the world record for being killed 700 times in a single game. The player with the nickname Lowo from the EUW server has the general Nunu and feed a total of 700 networks in one rank match lasts up to 151 minutes.

That means on average this guy feeds 5 lives every 1 minute. After looking at the stats on League of Graphs, it seems that Nunu is always running towards Ahri to kill this champion while the other players in the game are still playing normally. Nunu in this guy’s hand doesn’t have a single kill and no support.

Even though it seems that network feed now scheduled, but the game’s 151-minute run time is really impressive. Player Nunu tried to feed multiple networks As much as possible, level up only W and only speed-boosting items like Mobility Boots and Twin Shadows.


Network feed record was previously held by a player nicknamed Wukony, holding Janna and feeding 686 lives in a 207 minute game. Both of these results are included in Ranked Flex, where players with a preference for multi-network feeds have the opportunity to join the same team when randomly paired.

In the same game of Wukony, a player holding Ahri almost got the record for most kills in a game. This player has the nickname d5 janna otp and he had a total of 694 kills in that game.

In the ranking of people with the most kills, the third person has only 322 kills, the distance is quite far from the 2nd position. Meanwhile, with the ranking of players who feed the most in a game, the position 3rd place is also only 169 lives.

Those are just numbers for gamer Normally, for professional gamers, these numbers are much smaller. The record for the number of feeds in a game is currently owned by gamers Koala with 17 networks.

However these numbers are not confirmed and recognized by Riot. Because if they recognize the value of those numbers, gamers will compete in the game to feed in the hope of breaking the record.

Source link: League of Legends: Don’t know how to play games or make jokes, young people feed to 700 lives in 1 game
– Emergenceingames.com

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