League of Legends: Aphelios detailed guide – Warrior Moon

Aphelios banner - Emergenceingame

Aphelios is the most mentioned name in the League of Legends community recently. And as soon as the latest version, 9.24, is released with this generalMany gamers have tried it out and have different opinions and feelings. Some people think that it is too difficult, too many things to memorize and how to use complex skills. But there are people who are very interested in the creativity that this general brings. Let Download.vn learn more about Aphelios through the following article.

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Skills and weapons of Aphelios

Skills overview

Aphelios has an extremely strange skill system and player interface, different from all the generals in League of Legends released. The reason it is so complicated is because, Aphelios not only possesses 1,2 or 3 but up to 5 different weapons. Switching between these five weapons requires an easy and convenient gamer interface and switching system. So, when you first play Aphelios, you will be very surprised.



(1) Passive of Aphelios, instructions and description of weapons.

(2) Main weapon and remaining ammo.

(3) The Q skill of primary weapon.

(4) Secondary weapons and ammunition remaining.

(5) Weapon will be replaced when the primary or secondary weapon runs out of ammunition.

(6) Last move.

As the interface can be seen, Aphelios only uses 3 skill buttons: Q, W, and R (Not at all E). And W is the ability to switch between primary and secondary weapons, so this champion actually only has two real activation abilities.

Each of the 5 weapons of Aphelios will have one skill Q separate when used as the primary weapon. Skills Q This will have additional effects based on the secondary weapon he already owns. All skills Q both have mana and ammo cost, and have independent cooldowns (you can Q, change guns, and use the second Q). Aphelios will automatically learn Q at level 2 and it will get stronger as it progresses towards the end of the game.

Aphelios’s ultimate, The Moonlight Guide, fires a moonlight magic cannon that explodes upon hitting the first target, dealing damage in the surroundings. After that, Aphelios would continue with attacks enhanced from her main weapon on all opponents affected by the explosion. Skill R is automatically learned at level 6, and automatically upgraded at levels 11 and 16. Since Aphelios will automatically learn Q and R, he can use his 18 skill points to add up his stats. Basic skills instead of increasing include: Attack Strength, Attack Speed, Armor Penetration Bonus.


Every weapon of Aphelios has 50 Bullet. When using skills Q will consume 10 Moonstones, R will not consume bullets.

Please note, after the weapon is out of the Moon Bullet will take a small time to exchange a new weapon.

Details of weapons and combinations

1. Gun Thien Calibrum Huong dan Aphelios Calibrum icon - Emergenceingame


Gun Thien Ly Calibrum is a weapon prone to manipulation / harassment. Its base attack range is increased by 600 when equipped.

When an ability damages Calibrum, it marks the target. Aphelios can right-click a marked target anywhere on the map to launch an attack from his secondary weapon (or his non-Calibrum weapon, in case he switches Calibrum for weapon. filler before performing the strike). This attack will detonate nearby markers to deal additional damage to the marked target.

Huong dan Aphelios Calibrum Q - EmergenceingameCalibrum Q: Barrage

Fires a beam of directional projectiles that damage the first target hit and mark that target.

Huong dan Aphelios Calibrum R - EmergenceingameR: Calibrum’s Guide Moonlight Effect

Moonlight Guide’s successive attacks will mark all targets hit. These markers deal more damage when activated.

Attack effect when combined with each sub weapon:

  • Severum Blood Gun: Basic attacks that restore health.
  • Gravitum Cannon: Basic attacks slow the target by 30%.
  • Infernum Prison Gun: The attack deals 110% of the STCK spreading behind the target.
  • Crescendum’s Ascension: The attack creates a Chakram (Crescendum’s Clone).

2. The Severum Blood Gun Huong dan Aphelios severum icon - Emergenceingame


Severum Blood Gun Weapon for long-term battles, with the ability to heal Aphelios for a portion of the damage it deals. The additional heal from Severum will be converted into a small shield.

Huong dan Aphelios severum Q - EmergenceingameSeverum Q: Attack

Gain extra movement speed and continuously fire bullets from both primary and secondary weapons onto the nearest target, prioritizing champions. The Q attack has the same effect as a regular attack, but has a partial damage reduction.

Huong dan Aphelios severum R - EmergenceingameR: Severum’s Guide Moonlight Effect.

The Moonlight Guide heals Aphelios.

Attack effect when combined with each sub weapon:

  • Calibrum natural gun: Using Q will mark and reveal the target, the mark can be activated after using the ability.
  • Gravitum Cannon: Using Q will slow the target by 30%.
  • Infernum Prison Gun: Using Q deals 110% of damage equal to the spread of AD to the target.
  • Crescendum’s Ascension: Using Q creates a Chakram ((Crescendum’s Clone).

3. Gravitum’s Gravitational Cannon Huong dan Aphelios Gravitum icon - Emergenceingame


Gravitum’s Gravitational Cannon is a versatile weapon with the ability to apply a slow-down effect over time on opponents.

Huong dan Aphelios Gravitum Q - EmergenceingameGravitum Q: Moon Moon

Damages and roots all enemies on the map that are affected by Gravitum’s slow. Eclipse does not use the side weapon effect.

Huong dan Aphelios severum R - EmergenceingameR: Gravitum’s Guide Moonlight Effect

The following attacks, Moonlight Guide, cause a very slow slowdown.

Gravitum’s Gravitational Cannon is Single weapon has no interaction with other weapons.

4. Infernum Prison Gun Huong dan Aphelios infernum icon - Emergenceingame


Hell Gun Infernum is a weapon with wide area damage / clearing. It deals bonus damage with basic attacks and abilities, and spread damage in a cone behind the hit target.

Huong dan Aphelios infernum Q - EmergenceingameInfernum Q: Wave of Fire.

Launches a wave of fire, dealing damage to opponents. Then attack all enemies hit with a secondary weapon.

Huong dan Aphelios infernum R - EmergenceingameR: Infernum’s Guide Moonlight Effect

Moonlight Guide’s successive attacks create rings of fire that radiate damage around the target hit, instead of a cone behind her back.

Attack effect when combined with each sub weapon:

  • Calibrum natural gun: Every enemy hit by the attack is exposed, marked and can be shot from anywhere.
  • Severum Blood Gun: Attack has no projectile and heals.
  • Gravitum Cannon: Basic attacks slow the target by 30%.
  • Crescendum: A strike that creates a Chakram.

5. The Crescendum Ascension Huong dan Aphelios crescendum icon - Emergenceingame


Crescendum’s Ascension is a close-range weapon that acts as a boomerang. When Aphelios launched an attack with Crescendum, he would not be able to continue the attack until it returned to him, but upon returning it would immediately regenerate the attack. Attack speed will instead increase Crescendum’s flight speed. The closer the Aphelios is to the target, the shorter the Crescendum’s flight time will be – meaning that the faster he will attack. When the skill or successive attacks damage Crescendum, they create a copy of its Chakram for each hit target, powering Crescendum’s subsequent attacks.

Huong dan Aphelios crescendum Q - EmergenceingameCrescendum Q: The Watchtower

Lay out a pile of gunfire that damages the nearest enemy with the secondary weapon’s attack.

Huong dan Aphelios crescendum R - EmergenceingameR: Crescendum’s Guide Moonlight Effect

If Leaking Moonlight hits less than three targets, its successive attacks will still have the same damage boost from Crescendum as when it hits three targets.

Attack effect when combined with each sub weapon:

  • Calibrum: Lets you attack enemies from anywhere and returns a Chakram.
  • Severum blood gun: Attack alternately between Crescendum and Severum. Each attack with Crescendum returns a Chakram.
  • Gravitum Cannon: Chakram is not returned.
  • Infernum Hellfire Gun: Attacks all hit enemies with Crescendum, returning 1 Charkam for each hit enemy.

How to increase stats

Depending on the direction of the map and the progress of the match, you will choose to upgrade 1 of 3 indicators AD, Attack Speed, and Armor penetration each time you level up.

Each stat will have 6 levels of upgrades and you can use the mouse or a combination Ctrl + Q, Ctrl + W, Ctrl + E for quick upgrades.

  • AD: 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24.
  • Attack speed: 6%, 12%, 18%, 24%, 30%, 36%.
  • Pierce: 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%, 18%.

As mentioned in the overview, Aphelios’s skills will automatically upgrade, so we can only increase the stats for this champion. Depending on the gameplay and the actual situation, you have your own ways to increase your stats. However, you can refer to the following ways to maximize damage.

Increase your stats

Summoner Gems, Summoner spells, equipment and gameplay for Aphelios.

Table of reference jade

Aphelios with his intricate skill set will also have very creative jewel board options that are not tied to any gems. However, it can be easily seen that, despite the diversity, the skills have the function of inflicting damage or effects, bringing an inclination to attack. At the same time, most of them cause attack damage. Therefore, we still have the basis to choose the most suitable gems and maximize the strength of this general. You can refer to the following 2 jade tables.

Table 1:

Jade table

Exact Branch: Conquering – Dac triumph – Legend: Attack speed – Slashing grace.

Sub-branch of Magic: Ball nowhere – Wind accumulates.

Index plus: Attack Speed ​​- Adaptive Strength – Health.

Table 2:

Jade table

Main Branch Overpowering: Electric shock – Taste of blood – Collect eyeballs – Greedy hunter.

Exact sub-branch: Dac wins – Legend: Attack speed.

Index plus: Attack Speed ​​- Adaptive Strength – Health.

Complementary spells

The buff spells for Aphelios are similar to those for other ADCs. Still Healing and Variable speed. You can switch to shields or teleport depending on your play style.

How to equip Aphelios

Not much different from other ADCs. Aphelios will rise in the direction of critical damage, or armor penetration depending on your play style.

Reference items: Death scythe, raging shoes, Infinity sword, Ma dancing two swords …

How to play

First phase of the game:

Like many other ADCs, Aphelios early game has a weak amount of health and negligible damage. Plus, despite possessing up to 5 types of weapons, none of them have the effect of escaping. Therefore, in the early stages of the Song Nguyet warrior, the warrior easily became a good prey for a number of strong generals in the bot lane. So at this stage try to stick to the tower and farm to get more health and the necessary stats and equipment.


At this time, Aphelios has some necessary equipment, a relatively large amount of damage and especially the ultimate can deal damage to finish the target or take advantage in combat. Now Aphelios is able to call on his team’s jungle to gank to their advantage and proceed to grab large targets (Turrets, Dragons and Heralds).

Late game:

This is when Aphelios has full equipment and damage. Just holding his position and the support of the team, he can inflict massive damage on the enemy. This was also the time when Aphelios’s virtual skill set caused a mutation in combat. If with a normal general, the enemy can guess which skill you will use or which skills are cooldown. However, for Aphelios it was almost unpredictable. Take advantage of that and surprise the enemy team and win. Note, always keep your position and pay attention to the enemy team assassins. Because no matter how much damage you have, if you do not pay attention, you can still count up immediately with powerful champions.

Hopefully the article has helped you better understand and soon master the rather complex general in this way of playing. See you in the next tutorials.

Source link: League of Legends: Aphelios detailed guide – Warrior Moon
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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