late game carry is storming at 7.07

late game carry is storming at 7.07

Let’s find out why the hard carry picks spike in the game

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Patch 7.07 including the Dueling Fats update has been available for almost a week. Although still new, some of the heroes and their items have been buffed up which has started to affect the win rate of matches. The increased gold gain from creeps in lane has somewhat of an impact on this.

Late carry heroes that were rarely used before have become very popular. Even Medusa passed the 50% threshold of being picked, which is considered unusual (unbalanced).

Are we going back to 2012’s metagame, the year of carry? Let’s find out too


Anti-Mage is too famous. One of the most popular heroes from the DotA Allstars era (Dota 1), he can sweep the entire map thanks to his super fast farming ability once he owns the Battle Fury. With the base attack time and agility increasing rapidly, Anti-Mage is chosen as one of the carry heroes that are easy to last hit in the game.

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This 7.07 patch makes Anti-Mage extremely domineering. Not only is Battlefury now cheaper, but he’s also getting awesome new talents. Talent lvl 15 adds a passive ability to blink, creating illusions when blinking. Meanwhile, Level 20 increases Blink’s range up to 1450 units.

At level 25 Talent increases magic resistant by 30%. Anti-Mage can now completely ignore late-game nuke heroes that aren’t capable of ‘pure damage’, making it easier for him to kill nukers.

Notably, the new talents make Anti-Mage much harder to capture. Increasing Blink’s range makes it easier for him to escape, along with the addition of illusions that confuse the opponent. Talent 25 ‘spell resistance’ forces spell-oriented teams to work harder to defeat Anti-Mage.

The removal of Unique Attack Modifiers (or Orb Effects) gives AM more options to buy items for themselves.


Snake Queen has always been known as one of the most durable super late carries in the game. Thanks to his buffalo as well as the ability to deal damage to multiple targets at once, Medusa is especially strong in 5vs5 combat after 40 minutes of the match.

Before that, Medusa had a hard time finding a way to survive the mid-game with her skill set. Additionally, Split Shot doesn’t allow her to deal full damage to targets at once.

IceFrog has improved on these weaknesses through new talents and removed ‘damage reduction’ from Split Shot’s main target. Medusa’s new level 25 talent is like a free bonus from the Drow Ranger’s Scepter, but it doesn’t cost money to build it.

Before the update, Medusa’s win rate was at 46.5%. Now she is close to 55% and almost hit 57% yesterday.


Meepo is a hero that fails once it fails, but once strong it’s incredibly powerful, especially at low ranks. Meepo needs a lot of microphone skills to be effective. With a higher magic resistance than usual along with a rapidly increasing amount of experience through the Meepo helping him level up in the game.

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With patch 7.07, Meepo’s win rate increased from 45.6% to over 50%. The changes in the hero’s talent set are not very noticeable, but getting a little buff makes a significant difference.

10% lifesteal at level 10 means Meepo can solo Roshan early. Poof’s damage at level 15 increases to 40, although not very much, but we need to note that Meepo’s clone can also use Poof. These two talents make Meepo more dangerous and difficult to kill in teamfights.


Gyrocopter was once considered the second version of Medusa. The pilot and Medusa have quite similar designs that are Split Shot and Flak Cannon. While Medusa wants to stand at the farthest attack range, Gyrocopter wants to ‘play right and right’ to bring out the full potential of Flak Cannon.

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This hero appeared a lot at The International 3, the tournament where Gyro was picked the 3rd most. But the pick rate dropped at TI4, before climbing to the top again at TI5. Since then, Gyro has completely disappeared in tournaments, teams have not paid any attention to him.

This time there are a lot of buffs for Homing Missle, especially the removal of the ‘cast point’ (timeout) that makes Gyro more popular. Now, he will become more dangerous in the early game, when combined with supports with stun or root.

Moreover, with his skill set farming (Flak Cannon and Rocket Barrage) is more effective thanks to the increased amount of gold in lane creeps.

These buffs increased Gyro’s win rate from 46.6% to 50.7%. Maybe the pros will start paying attention to this old man flying the plane again.

Outworld Devourer

Outworld Devourer is a pretty special carry hero. Instead of relying on items that deal physical damage, OD deals pure damage based on how much mana he has.

This allows this intel hero to crush buff heroes with large amounts of armor. Combined with items like the Hurrican Pike and the newly released Kaya item, OD can use Arcane Orb to destroy unprepared teams.

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The Unique Attack Modifiers change also gives the same OD advantage as Anti-Mage. This allows for different builds for OD, but we don’t know if this direction will become popular at the moment.

Since the first day of the update, the average win rate of OD has increased by about 4-5%, giving this carry hero a 52% win rate.

Source: dotesports

Source link: late game carry is storming at 7.07

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