Instructions to delete sales fanpage on Facebook

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Facebook users are allowed to delete a sales fanpage on Facebook in case they don’t want to keep that fanpage anymore or it affects too much to your life, just follow the rules and deadlines below. sales on Facebook will be executed.

Just like deleting a Facebook account, deleting a sales Facebook fan page is similar. User You just need to meet a few basic conditions to be able to delete a sales fanpage on Facebook without being affected or involved in the fanpage level dispute, and like deleting your Facebook account, the system will allow you a certain number of days to be in a “temporarily locked” state to ensure a minute change and then officially delete it completely.

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Deleting a sales fanpage on Facebook is simple, but before proceeding with this trick, you should think carefully about your decision so as not to affect your personal activities or someone else’s activities related to Facebook fanpage. .

Instructions to delete sales fanpage on Facebook

Conditions for deleting Facebook:

– You must be the admin of that Facebook fanpage.
– Fanpage with less than 100 likes will be deleted immediately.
– Facebook fanpage with more than 100 likes will have to wait 14 days, within this time just need to access again and the order to delete fanpage will be removed immediately.

Step 1: To be able to delete a sales fanpage on Facebook, you must first determine which page you are managing and which Facebook fan page you want to delete first.

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Step 2: Then you enter settings section inside my Facebook fan page.

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Step 3: Inside the settings we scroll to the bottom > Edit option so that the last line is Remove Page ie delete the sales fanpage on Facebook.

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Step 4: Another green line appears, here we choose permanently delete Facebook Fanpage.

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The system will ask you again if you want to delete the sales fanpage on Facebook. For example, this time it’s a Facebook fanpage with less than 100 likes, so deleting is deleting it forever.

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If you agree, wait for a while for the system to execute and finally delete the sales fanpage on Facebook is completed.

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Step 5: You can review the management section and you will see that there is no longer a Facebook fanpage that you previously chose to delete a sales fanpage on Facebook.

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So we have just completed how to delete a sales fanpage on Facebook, delete a permanent fanpage on your Facebook. Of course, Facebook does not restrict you to create Facebook fanpage, so deleting this one we can create another to work.
But remember that after exactly 14 days after deleting the sales fanpage on Facebook, Facebook will be permanently deleted and on the day the user can no longer restore the fanpage. Especially for channels that are not businesses but individuals, it is not possible to restore Facebook fanpage after 14 days.

Related keywords:

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Source link: Instructions to delete sales fanpage on Facebook

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