Instructions on how to play Chinese Chess game for newbies

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In this article, will share with you how to play chess games for newbies to help you play chess effectively, increase your inspiration when playing and avoid losing or getting bored quickly.

Chess game is a subject that is not difficult to play but requires a lot of perseverance, especially for new players, it is very confusing to play the game of Chess, and that is the reason that new players need to learn how to play chess. Instructions on how to play Chinese Chess game. And of course you can play Chess games on your computer or pc easily through games available on the internet. Playing Chinese Chess on PC is the current trend of Chess lovers. Because nowadays, the sidewalks of Chess have decreased a lot, and there are very few people who are passionate about Chess. If you are a chess lover and want to learn about this subject, learn these basic ways of playing first.

How to play the game

How to play Chinese Chess game for newbies

Basic instructions on how to play Chinese Chess game

1. Capture troops (eat troops):

For those who are new to the game, the guide to capturing and eating troops is the most basic way to play the game of Chess. The player uses his piece to create the ability to capture the opponent’s piece. Intimidation forces the opponent to resist.

How do you play the game?

2. Water resistance:

This is a way to use in defense, a skill to improve how to play Chinese Chess game. Use your own moves to block the opponent’s attack. Used a lot in the cases of threat or Chess.

3. Checkmate

The outcome of the game is only determined when the General of one of the two sides is captured, or cannot be captured, leading to a Draw. This is a move that turns the opponent’s General into range, forcing the opponent to move the Hero or use another piece to block the direction of the Chess. It is also possible to have to recapture the opponent’s Chess piece.

How do you play the game?

4. Anti-projection.

This move forces the opponent to move the Champion to avoid being captured. Or use other pieces to get in the way of Chess, but repeating these moves is not recommended even for those who are new to Chinese Chess games.

5. Pumpkin mat

It is almost impossible for a player to be caught in the air, usually near the end of the game. Although this is quite a difficult skill for beginners, if you get used to it, or you try to use high-level machines (AI), this happens often.

How do you play the game?

6. Trade-off

The two sides feed each other equal or equal pieces on the chessboard to create a more open position on the chessboard. This is considered a negative form of chess, rarely applied by the players, and this is also quite a risky way for both newcomers and longtime players, this is a way to play the game of Chess is not recommended. .

7. Chasing

Consecutively use one or more stronger pieces to chase the weak pieces, create an attack and intimidate the opponent, forcing the opponent to make an opening. This is also a bold move and is prone to overturning.

Above is a guide to the basic chess moves that wants to send to users.

To improve more, you need to learn more how to play advanced chess so that you can always win in matches. Of course, to play Chess always to win is not only using theory, you need to spend a long time honing to become a true chess master. And when you have become a chess master, solving difficult positions does not discourage you, even if it is difficult to the beginning, there is a way to solve difficult chess positions.
Chess and Chinese Chess are two of the world’s leading chess genres, which are regularly ranked in ranked competitions. On computers, we have Chess and Chess software to help users play games to relieve stress. Even now Chess also appear in mobile devices, allowing you to play chess whenever you have free time.

Related keywords:

How to play the game

, how to play chinese chess, how to play chess,

Source link: Instructions on how to play Chinese Chess game for newbies

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