IGDA does not accept video games as substitutes for violent behavior

IGDA does not accept video games as substitutes for violent behavior

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, will meet with representatives of the gaming industry tomorrow to discuss issues of violence in video games, and its impact on real-life incidents of violence such as shootings in the United States. schools. It is not clear who will attend, but the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) confirmed earlier this week that it will attend the meeting.

However, one group that will not be participating is the International Game Developers Association (IGDA). IGDA took to Twitter today to express its views.

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Let’s look directly at video games and gun violence – we won’t be the substitutes. The facts clearly show that there are no studies that show a link between video games and gun violence.


“Gamers are often underage boys which is a misinformation: 41% of the 150 million gamers in the US are women, and more women over 35 play video games than boys under 18. ,” IGDA said in subsequent messages. “Gamers come from all over the world, of all genders and ages. Including teachers and students, parents and children.”

“Putting video games — or any other kind of media — as an excuse, when they don’t even consider the gun control review Americans want, is not. Can’t fool anyone.”

However, IGDA’s claims that there is no link between video games and violence have not convinced many people. In fact, this upcoming meeting says otherwise. If there is no connection, why this meeting?

Although several studies have linked violent video games with negative personality changes, they do not answer the question of whether games are the cause or cause of violent symptoms. force occurs. The American Psychological Association also points to vague terms used in studies. In the 2015 report on violent behavior comes from temper tantrums, “but not all temper tantrums are violent.” And as the IGDA points out, violent video games are played globally, ‘But only the US has a gun violence problem.”

This “meeting” also caught the attention of Jack Thompson, a game industry critic and former lawyer, despite having his license revoked in 2008. In an email to Kotaku last week , he compared the meeting to asking Mexican smugglers how to stop smuggling, and he said he was trying to get invited to attend, so he could speak out for himself on the issue. .

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Source link: IGDA does not accept video games as substitutes for violent behavior
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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