Ice Dragon – super beast Gunny PC has a “top of the top” buffalo

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LIVE Gunny PC, Ice Dragon is the only pet with 6 skills when fighting. However, the remarkable point of this pet is that when taking the final damage, the Frozen Dragon will fall into a frozen state and respawn after 2 turns if he is in a burned state, the rest of the cases. will be destroyed.

Ice Dragon is known as “super beast”

Check out the information Gunny PC

The important skills of the Ice Dragon are all passive skills, so this pet is very strong at the beginning of the game with the amount of shield and % reduction of damage, damage as well as armor penetration resistance. With the advantage of being able to bring an arbitrary number of passive skills along with the addition of a 6th skill box when using the 2 or 3 awakenings of Frost Rage, the Frozen Dragon really makes enemies afraid. afraid to confront.

Frozen when running out of health and revived by “last hit” due to Fire Dog’s bleeding

The most effective advice for Ice Dragon when fighting is to bring the skills Ice Turtle, Ice Thorn and Frost Armor (3 skills +12% burn resistance); Roaring Dragon, Frost Shield (Shield), Frozen Wrath (3 armor penetration resistance skills +10%).

Ice Breath skill is cool when cast

According to fans of the Ice Dragon, this pet has the advantage of being very “buffalo” because it has a Shield in the first 3 turns or after every 8 turns. Therefore, if the opponent plays “full damege” with the Ice Dragon, it is quite wasteful, so when this pet character goes to battle, it at least creates initial apprehension for the opponent. It can be considered that this is the first “upper” position created by the Ice Dragon. In addition, the ability to quickly revive and kill enemies below 15% HP also makes enemies stunned or killed immediately if the Ice Dragon “hides” in a peak way and simultaneously buffs Roaring Dragon skill.

The most optimal skill of Ice Dragon to use in combat is Frost Breath (costs 3 fury), before using this skill, the player needs to choose a safe location because after using it will lose a few turns of myself. Good hiding will also help the character increase a large amount of damage in 3 turns, and this is the time to take advantage of this to finish off the enemy.​

The damage amount 3 turns later becomes huge

Frozen Dragon is only recommended for Gunners whose characters are level 60 or higher. If viewed from the full strength, this pet is rated by Gunner 8.5/10 points. However, only possessing passive skills, Frozen Dragon needs to have 2 or 3 awakenings of the skill Frozen Wrath to maximize its power.

In short, Frozen Dragon is still a big question mark in the Gunny PC pet system because success or failure in confrontations will depend on the player’s knowledge and competitive skills. However, owning a buffalo pet when participating in battle is also an important factor to show the opponent the “longevity” in the arena of the character. Frozen Dragon is still very good value for money in every game.​

Source link: Ice Dragon – super beast Gunny PC has a “top of the top” buffalo

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