How to use Pokemon catch items

Berry 650 - Emergenceingame

In process Pokemon GOYou have probably encountered a Pokemon after being caught escaping (Broke free) or too far away, too high, making it difficult to throw a Pokeball. It is a general situation when we level up (the higher the level, the more difficult Pokemon to catch and the higher the CP).

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In addition to practicing how to throw Pokeball accurately, to save Pokeball, players need to pay attention to using Pokemon catch items to have a higher success rate.

What is Razz Berry?

Berry level - EmergenceingameBerry level 2 - Emergenceingame
Leveling up will get a lot of Razz Berry

One of the ways to do that is the Razz Berry, an item shaped like a bunch of grapes, that “lures”, making it easier to capture stubborn Pokemon.

Where to get Razz Berry?

Only when the character reaches level 8 will this item appear.

If you have Pokecoins, you can buy this item right in the shop, or another less expensive but equally effective way, which is to “pay bucks” at Pokestops. Don’t just get it Pokeball for free but from time to time, the player also receives a Razz Berry and a Potion.

Effects of Razz Berry

Berry pokestop - Emergenceingame

With that said, the main effect of this item is to make stubborn Pokemon obey. Have you ever spent up to a dozen Pokeball balls just to catch a Pokemon? Just catch it, then it comes out again, as if provoking us. With a few stubborn, they will let us throw until they are bored, but some of them cause inhibition when … run away on the 2nd, 3rd “broke free”.

Now use the Razz Berry, you will see the efficiency and the probability of success will be higher.

When to use Razz Berry?

Pokeball 3 broke - EmergenceingamePokeball 4 free - Emergenceingame

  • When you suddenly encounter a wild Pokemon (Wild Pokemon) with abnormally high CP (much higher than the ones you ever caught).
  • When that Pokemon constantly exits Pokeball (there are Pokemon with CP below 100 still can escape).
  • If encountering a rare Pokemon (no CP number unknown), it is best to use the Razz Berry to maximize the chances of successful acquisition.

How to use Razz Berry to catch Pokemon

Berry 1 use - Emergenceingame

When faced with the above scenario, do the following:

  • At the interface are “facing” Pokemon, touch the icon Backpack (Items).
  • Find and tap Razz Berry.
  • Immediately this item will appear in front of Pokemon.

At this point throwing Pokeball will be easier and the success rate is also higher.

According to personal data obtained by the player, the Pokemon have a lower “run away” rate when the player uses the item. As for the capture, of course also has a higher probability of success, but also depends on the player’s ability to throw Pokeball.

Wish you have fun and entertaining moments!

Source link: How to use Pokemon catch items

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