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How to play the game Warcraft 3 basic

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is one of the strategy games full of mythology, but basically, the gameplay of Warcraft 3 is the same. Empire play on the computer that we used to know. However, there are still a few differences that many players are unfamiliar with will find it a bit daunting. The following article will guide how to play Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos for newbies.

Download game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos for the computer

Synthesize useful code in DotA game

Talking a little bit about the playing process, players also go through the same steps as when playing AOE, which is:

  • Hunting, gold digging, wood cutting.
  • Building.
  • Buy troops.
  • House upgrades and weapons.
  • Attack other houses (complete main quest given by the game).

How to play Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos offline

Step 1: After install Warcraft III done, at the first interface, select the item Single Player to select solo play mode (play against machine).

Single Play

Step 2: Named in New Profile then click Create to create a new network, then select Next Campaign. If there are multiple networks available (created by others), select the desired network name from the list Profile List below it Campaign.

New Profile
Select an existing network or create a new one

Step 3: Since the version I am using to guide you is a trial version, there is only one option: “Exodus of the Horde“Then choose the difficulty level (Difficulf Level) for this mode.

Choose troops

Step 4: Wait a moment for the game to finish loading, press any key to play.


Guide to play the game Warcraft 3 basic

The first interface of the game appears, if you have a fairly foreign language, you will not have any difficulty because on the screen always displays suggestions for players about the main task (Main quest) as well as other maneuvers during game play.


Or if you forget (because there are many levels, each level will include from one to many different types of missions), you can left-click on the item Quest in the upper left corner of the screen to display a list of tasks to be performed (shortcut F9).

Displays the task to be performed in the level

How to move, choose troops, attack

The first is move, with the “main character” – Thrall Or with any other type of piece in the future, we all have a common way for them to move. That is:

  • Left click on the piece to be moved.
  • Choose Move icon (The M – Move shortcut) in the right pane, at the bottom of the screen (Red arrow icon).

Arrow icons or M – Move shortcut keys to move

Then left-click the position you want to move to.

Choose a location

Or if you are familiar with and have played Empire games, you can Right click to any position to execute a quick move (no more need to select a move command).

Right mouse
Right mouse button to move

Quickly select pieces by holding the left mouse button at a point and then dragging, moving all the desired pieces (if they are close together). If it is scattered, you can quickly double-click on any piece to select the whole piece.


  • Way double click the mouse Only one piece of cards can be applied and selected.
  • Way drag and hover left will choose many types of units at the same time (including Thrall).

Drag to select

Way attack enemy. By default, the game will let your troops attack automatically if they encounter an enemy or are attacked directly by the enemy. But if you want, you can also instruct them to attack different types of enemies by:

  • Choose the pieces (I) need to use.
  • Use the attack icon (Shortcut A – Attack) under (sword icon).
  • Right click on the unit (enemy) that needs to attack.

Use the Attack icon or press the A key to attack

Note, in some tables there will be monsters, or enemies sleeping. They won’t attack us without being attacked first, so it’s best to just ignore and keep moving to complete the quest.


How to earn gold, wood in the game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

At level two, players will start to be on their own for resources (gold, wood) to build a house, learn how to buy troops, and come to life. We have one available Leon (like Farmer – Farmer in the game Empire) the same gold mine is available. To exploit gold in the game Warcraft 3, do the following:

  • Left mouse button on Peon.
  • Use hammer icon bird (Shortcut keys G – Gather).
  • Click on the gold mine to make Peon work automatically.
  • The other way you can Click Peon Need to give away gold digging Right click on the gold mine there.

How to let Peon go gold mining

Of course a Peon cannot do anything, so we need to wait until it has exploited enough “money” then click on the main house (Great Hall), then click Peon head icon to buy more.

  • Each click corresponds to an additional Peon.
  • Quantity will appear in the table below.
  • You can click on it to remove the number of Peon you don’t need.
  • Each Peon costs 10 gold and 1 meat.

Please add more troops

After you have enough Peon farmers and money to be able to build buildings, you complete the task of this level is to build houses. Doing:

  • Click on one Peon Any, the command box below will appear box icon.
  • Click on it to see a list of properties and their construction conditions.
  • Click Left mouse on the house need to build then hold and pull out the location to be built.
  • Release the hand so that Peon is selected to complete the job by herself.

Key B – Build to build works

In the quest list, asking the player to build three types of houses, we do not need to do it in order. For example, choose build the Orc Burrow army (the equivalent of the E house in the Empire). This is the type of house that allows the player to add the number of troops (both soldiers and farmers) to continue playing.

Choose a home

Home The Orc Burrow costs 170 gold and 50 wood. It should be noted that each house has only one Peon selected to participate in the construction, so the time is often longer than in other games.

Each goal in the mission is completed, the message Complete will be displayed on the screen.

How to build a house in the game Warcraft 3

The selected and usable building location can be anywhere in the map, but it must be the location where the building appears completely green as shown below. If there is mixed red, that means it cannot be built there.

Construction site

You can hover over a house under construction to see completion time and construction progress. Each Peon, when built, will automatically resume its previous job or cut the wood (if it is closer to the forest).


To cut the woodsYou can also choose one or more Peon (Like how to select a piece) then hover the mouse over the forest and right-click on it to do it automatically. The player can also build more brothels near that location to save the traveling time for the Peon.

Cut down the tree

The first house we have is Orc Barracks. Each card generated from here requires 235 gold and 3 meat. You can choose to consecutively enter the troop icon to buy multiple pieces at once.

Buy soldiers
How to get troops from Orc Barracks

When eligible, the houses built as well as the main house can be “up to life” to increase the strength, support the soldiers or increase the amount of gold and wood that Peon earns.

Each type of upgrade will bring different changes and the conditions to upgrade them are also not the same.


Peons are not only useful for finding, exploiting resources or building buildings, but they can also be repair The buildings are damaged by being attacked or even going to attack the enemy if ordered by the player.

  • To repair damaged structures, just:
  • Click to select Peon any.
  • Use repair icon (R – Repair shortcut).
  • Then click on the house to be repaired.


During the game, we will need to buy a lot of Peon and different soldiers for the battle. If there is a message as shown on the screen “Build more Burrow to continue unit production“Or you can see that in the upper right corner of the screen there is the word”No Unkeep“Blue, that means it’s time Build more houses of Burrow army already.

Lack of home

Renovation of the main house Great Hall the first time lost 310 gold and 90 wood. The level level icon is at the bottom as shown in the picture.

Main house renovation

Home Barrack can also produce a cannon (rock fire) to attack fixed, distant, or highly destructive targets with lots of “health”.

Stone bridge
Crafting rock cannon from Barracks

It is best to use “rock cranes” with attacking towers, solid structures. Because the stone crane has great destructive power, but in contrast, “blood” is also very low, so it is necessary for the army to protect them from the enemy.


Gather troops to attack one target or divide troops to attack different enemies and targets. Depends on how you are in.

Attack other houses to complete the mission

Victory announcement.


The above article just guides you how to play the basic and detailed when play the game Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos on the computer. In the tutorial only with Orcs, but with the remaining 3 types of cards in the game, you do the same.

Reference articles:

Wish you have fun and entertaining moments!

Source link: How to play the game Warcraft 3 basic
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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