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How to play Apex Legends

Apex Legends has only been released for a week, but there are already 25 million Apex Legends players? So among those 25 million people, do you have friends, if not, learn how to play Apex Legends and download this game right now.

The Apex Legends game is very HOT right now and it becomes a strong competitor of Fortnite when the number of people play Apex Legends reached 10 million in 3 days, 25 million in 1 week. This is an unbelievable number for a survival game like Apex Legends. Although born later, but Apex Legends has many outstanding features, things that gamers will enjoy when playing Apex Legends for the first time.

how to play apex legends

How to play Apex Legends

– To be able to play Apex Legends, players need to download Apex Legends about here.

=> See how to download and install Apex Legends on PC here.

Step 1: After following the instructions in the link above let’s go to Apex Legends and start a game screen by clicking ready.

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Players will have to wait for the system to match you into the match, because there are many Apex Legends players, this stage will not take long.

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Step 2: After finding the game screen you will get merged with 2 other people and here there will be 8 character classes for you to choose from.

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Step 3: Like many other survival games, we finished choosing our characters skydiving stop. Players have the right to parachute in groups, change captains or jump individually.

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Step 4: Press the M key up to see the map as well as know the location of jumping areas in Apex Legends.

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Step 5: Skydiving in Apex Legends is quite simple, there are not many applied techniques like Apex Legends, so new players can be assured of the fairness of the game.

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Step 6: And the beginning of a survival game is always gathering equipment, weapons for myself at the surrounding houses.

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Note that you should often turn on the bag your own to know which items to use and not to throw it out.

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Step 7: At the beginning of the game, the fights are constantly breaking out, so players need to be careful, with close-range fights, shotgun always gives a huge advantage.

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Step 8: Do not forget pick up enemy items after defeating they are successful, there are a lot of good equipment for the player.

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Step 9: Each character has its own skills, so use it wisely to save your teammates as well as hinder the enemy.

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Step 10: And you should remember that Apex Legends is also a survival game, so the circle is indispensable for this game.

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Step 11: In some unfortunate cases, the player is very easy to kill by the enemy, if the teammate also dies, then you will no longer have the opportunity to respawn in that level.

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Step 12: After each level, there will be a total of kills, damage or survival time in Apex Legends.

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Step 13: And of course an indispensable thing is the rewards when you reach a certain level in Apex Legends.

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Above is a basic guide on how to play Apex Legends so that readers can more easily access the game. For those who are familiar with survival genres, when playing Apex Legends, they will quickly catch up with the game and the gameplay.

During the process of joining Apex Legends, many players encountered an error that they could not add Apex Legends game to their account, so what is the reason for the error of not being able to add Apex Legends game to their account and how to fix it? With repair guide Error can’t add Apex Legends game to my account The following will give you the fastest answer.

Related keywords:

how to play Apex Legends

Apex Legends game guide, Apex Legends game on PC,

Source link: How to play Apex Legends
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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