How gaming improves your mental health

How gaming improves your mental health
Chơi game cải thiện sức khỏe tinh thần của bạn như thế nào - Emergenceingame

In 2018, the World Health Organization will update the International Classification of Diseases with the publication of ICD-11. Among them, ICD-11 will recognize excessive gaming as a mental health disease, equivalent to alcohol and drug addiction. This has caused a wave of outrage in the gaming community. Many gamers feel offended by the idea that video games can make someone’s psyche pervert.

It’s hard to argue that excessive gaming can be a problem for someone. In fact, there are examples of people playing games until they die, clearly this is not a normal behavior. Video games can be addictive, and for some people, this addiction can have serious consequences if they prioritize games over other aspects of their lives.

However, excessive or uncontrolled gaming is still a serious mental health problem that should be treated by a psychologist. But remember, the vast majority of gamers do not suffer from these symptoms. Furthermore, there is evidence that games can provide some mental health benefits to players.

Here are ways that video games can really improve your mood.

Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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While gaming is making headlines about the negative effects it has on psychology, studies have shown that it may contain two of the most common mental illnesses in the world – anxiety and depression. One study by the University of East Carolina suggested that playing 30 minutes of video games a day could reduce anxiety and depression to the same extent as conventional prescription drugs. In all genres, puzzle games (like Angry Birds, Bejeweled or Tetris) can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Another common mental illness is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) which has been shown to be treatable with video games. One study found that individuals with PTSD who played Tetris experienced less obsession than those who did not. With the above evidence, it is not surprising that video games are beginning to be used in therapy, as a method to treat the symptoms of some mental illnesses.


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Another well-documented psychological benefit of video games is that it has a positive effect on memory. All types of video games have been shown to improve memory. One study found that playing larger and more complex games like Super Mario 3D World has better benefits than smaller, simpler games like Angry Birds.

Older people are likely to be less likely to play games like Super Mario 3D World than younger people, but this older group will benefit greatly from such games. Research demonstrates that older adults playing video games can improve their brain health, as games help them learn new skills and engage in brain activity. By keeping the brain engaged, older adults can reduce the probability of developing symptoms that can adversely affect their memory, such as dementia.

Social interaction

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One aspect of life that many people with mental illness struggle with is the ability to socialize with peers and participate in community. While a lot of people mistakenly think that video games are a hobby for people who are not social and leave the house, in fact, video games can help people who are afraid of socializing to make new friends. In fact, video games enhance social experiences, with many games featuring online multiplayer modes that encourage people to cooperate and compete with real-world individuals.

Video Games Can Make You “Smarter”

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The fact that playing games can make you smarter may raise some suspicions, but there is real research to back this up. Researchers have found that those who play video games have improved cognitive performance compared to those who don’t, and that playing games can increase the amount of gray matter in the brain.

A 2014 study by the scientific organization Max Planck studied the effects of playing Super Mario 64 on the brain. 24 people played Super Mario 64 for 30 minutes every day for 2 months, and their brain MRI scans were compared with the non-gaming group. The results showed an increased amount of gray matter in brain areas involved in memory and planning in the people who played the game.

In 2018, excessive and uncontrolled gaming will be assessed as a mental illness. However, if just because playing games can lead to a mental illness, it should be said that gaming also creates a lot of positive things. In the coming years, psychologists expect to study more video games and understand how games can help or harm the psychology of players.

Source link: How gaming improves your mental health

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