How does the map change in patch 7.07 affect Dota 2?

How does the map change in patch 7.07 affect Dota 2?

7.07 brought a lot of innovation for heroes specifically talent, some of which contributed to some heroes being too strong and unexpected combinations (such as IO and Alchemist backdoor). However, we must also note that the map also has a lot of changes affecting Dota.

Here are 2 maps comparing version 7.06 (left) and 7.07 (right)

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 1 - Emergenceingame
Shrines, Bounties and Jungle

The first and most noticeable change is that bounties and shrines have been repositioned. Bounty runes will spawn closer to the lane, making it easier to own for supports or easier to steal for offlaners. They’ll be further into the middle lane, meaning the midlaner can’t both get the bounty and block the creeps unless the support blocks it for them.

Shrine also changed, much more interesting and specifically the 2 shrines in the picture below. They used to be located near the ancient in the main area of ​​the Jungle and their meaning and effect was great.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 2 - Emergenceingame

Imagine you are playing on Dire’s side. When the side takes away the 1st and 2nd turrets on the Radiant side

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 3 - Emergenceingame

In the old map, if you go blind or gank at these 2 camps, Radiant can easily TP and cover behind and kill you easily. So even if you lose both mid turrets, you can still easily farm in these 2 camps safely in professional matches.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 4 - Emergenceingame

However, at the moment when the shrine has been moved far away, this will make controlling the 2 camps here much more difficult. When in its old position it provided protection for those who farmed the medium camp nearby, this was a huge loss. On the other hand, Dire received a huge advantage thanks to the change of shrine location.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 5 - Emergenceingame

The arrangement of this shrine position will help the Dire side control the forest much better. In the previous version, losing turret 1 in the safe lane position meant that you would lose control of all 3 camps in this position, while the shrine position was too far from this 3 camp location.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 6 - Emergenceingame

While this move will be a huge advantage to Dire’s jungle control, it’s quite far from Roshan if Dire loses the 1st turret mid. However, on the offlane Radiant side, the shrine is also moved further away from the Roshan location. Overall, we see that Dire wins the jungle, and the Radiant side has a huge dead zone between the small camp and the medium camp near the shrine.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 7 - Emergenceingame

While the Radiant side did not have any changes, the turret on the Dire side changed positions from right to left. In the old version, the sight and range of the turret to the edge of the bot lane and this made ganking mid from below seem impossible, making ganking of supports a lot more miserable when but they have to wrap from bottom to top to gank mid.

With this change, Dire midlane can now be ganked more easily. As for whether midlane gets ganked or not, that’s a completely different question as the XP gain from killing is reduced. We probably won’t see it in the pro game but it’s definitely going to be used a lot in pubs.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 8 - Emergenceingame
Offlane Radiant

Offlane gets huge nerfs due to the experience gained, and the map change doesn’t make offlane life any better, Radiant Offlane is indescribably bad. The large camp is now further away and if you want to bring the creeps into the jungle to attack monsters, you put yourself on a low ground which makes you easier to target for the enemy support.

Meanwhile, the small camp isn’t very far away, but it doesn’t contribute to a better offlane life either. But more than that, it’s now much more difficult to successfully block wards if you’re offlane (thanks to the rework of the downhill terrain on the Dire jungle side). This provides vision when an enemy support ganks you by going through the trees on the right side of the lane or is used to spot enemy offlane stacks or pull creeps. You can’t just ban wards to stack and pull this will make you the target of ganks and with that bounty rune looting is almost impossible for Radiant offlane – when it’s too far and large camp then block the road.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 9 - Emergenceingame
Dire offlane

While Radiant offlane is a disaster, Dire offlane has a slightly more comfortable life. The large pull camp a little closer makes it easier to approach (however it’s still dangerous to move down to steal a few creeps). The bounty rune position is also closer, creating an opportunity for looting. However, you will also be killed more easily if you go to steal bounty runes when Radiant support can also eat runes, after all it is only 12 steps away.

Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 10 - Emergenceingame Thay đổi Map trong patch 7.07 ảnh hưởng thế nào đến Dota 2 11 - Emergenceingame

Dire offlane and Radiant offlane both have the same problem that they have fewer good ward bans. Again the trees block the sight when looking down on the low ground along the way on the high round, and to pull the creeps you have to sacrifice your vision on the high ground, which puts you in danger.

In general, this map change brings balance to pub matches when the 1st turret on Dire’s mid lane changes position to give the middlaner an advantage that is prone to ganking. In pro games, I think Dire has a lot of advantage thanks to the change in jungle terrain and shrine location. We will see which side will be liked and have a higher win rate. Although there are not any major changes, these small changes affect the gameplay a lot.


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