Hearthstone: Is Reno Jackson Hypothesis Confirmed?

Reno Jackson Rồng Hearthstone
Reno Jackson Dragon Hearthstone


There are many theories about Reno Jackson being a dragon. Everything starts from the above article Reddit about 3 and a half years ago, at the time One Night in Karazhan came out. It is primarily based on a scene from the Karazhan trailer (pictured below).

Reno Jackson Hearthstone - Emergenceingame

The Curator is jumping into the pool, with a cow, a murloc and Reno sitting in it. Now let’s look at the Curator’s effect – this card draws a Beast, a Murloc and… a Dragon from your deck! While this scene can be completely random (or it is possible that the cow and murloc were intentionally added, I can’t fit a Dragon in the bath). Many fans are interested in the theory that Blizzard implicitly suggests Reno is the Dragon.

This theory became so popular that every time Reno appeared, the community speculated about all sorts of things. Some go too far (as Blizzard says they plan to launch Kazakus Originally a Dragon and both Reno and Kazakus are Highlander synergy cards, so Reno must be dragons too), others are more believable: like the similarities between Reno’s original Battlecry and Paladin Legendary Dragon Nozari.

A few people started making all kinds of theories when League of Explorers was announced to return in the Year of the Dragon. Some think we’ll have Reno as a Dragon in Saviors of Uldum (we have Reno, but unfortunately not a Dragon), while others guess we might get a Reno related card in Descent of Dragons . Actually, we did get it, but it’s another Reno version – The Amazing Reno – and unfortunately not a Dragon either.

However, Galakrond’s Awakening can prove this theory to be correct. The first is a reliable, but unconfirmed hint: during the first encounter in the League of Explorers campaign, Reno immediately appears to help you fight Dr. Boom, and Reno has a 4/12 rating. Why is this important? Because 4/12 is quite a dragon-specific stat – specifically, Dragons are the ONLY species with such stats in Hearthstone (Malygos, Ysera, Nozari, Sleepy Dragon or recently Zzeraku the Warped). From the stats and the Spell Damage section, the Reno card resembles Malygos the most. This could also just be an easter egg, just wanted to let the community know that Blizzard knows about this theory. But…

reno dragon stats - Emergenceingame

We find an interesting card in the game data – Renogos. Specifically – this is the Boss Galakrond’s Awakening card named “DRGA_BOSS_01h2” in the game file. The main interesting thing is that “DRGA_BOSS_01h” (without the 2 at the end) is the boss card The Amazing Reno. That suggests Renogos is related to Reno. Specifically, in the last match of the EVIL campaign, you will face Reno. Maybe Reno will turn into Dragon form in the middle of the battle. Or will you take control of Reno in the final battle of Explorers campaign (against Rafaam & Galakrond), and you’ll be able to transform? It’s hard to tell at this point, and we don’t know how the plot will unfold. This is just a guess, but it is difficult to deny that the following Dragon is based on Reno Jackson (This Dragon has Reno’s hat on the right horn, yellow teeth and of course the name of the card also partly says it. ).

Renogos 1 - Emergenceingame
Renogos HP 300x447 1 - Emergenceingame

We also find the Hero Power that is said to be from Renogos. It is clearly related to Flex-plosion in Tombs of Terror:

And what do you think? Do you know about this theory? And do you think Blizzard plans to launch Reno Dragon version from the beginning or just follow the predictions of social networks?

According to Hearthstonetopdecks

Source link: Hearthstone: Is Reno Jackson Hypothesis Confirmed?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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