Hearthstone: Decks worth checking out after the balance update

Hearthstone: Decks worth checking out after the balance update
Rastakhan s Rumble Key Art enUS1 - Emergenceingame

Recently, Blizzard has released a balance update and this change negatively affects the Druid and Odd Paladin decks. But that has opened up new directions for decks.

A lot of decks are using ladder climbing quite successfully, revolving around existing archetypes, worth a try

Odd Quest Warrior

This deck is based on the previous Odd Warrior combined with the new 9 mana Beast, Oondasta. The 7 Attack and 7 Health cards have Rush and Overkill that allow you to summon a Beast from your hand. Since Oondasta has Rush, it can attack enemy minions during the turn it is called. If the Overkill minion succeeds, you have the potential to summon another high mana Beast.

Oondasta Hearthstone - Emergenceingame

This deck has high mana Beast cards like Amani War Bear – a 7 mana 5/7 card with Rush and Taunt. If you can summon War Bear with Oondasta, you will be able to control the table in the late game.

This deck also includes the Warrior: Fire Plume’s Heart quest card, which rewards the player Sulfuras after playing the previous seven Taunt minions in the match. Sulfuras is a 3-mana weapon with 4 attack and 2 durability, but the weapon’s highlight lies in its Battlecry hero power: it allows to deal 8 random damage to the enemy.

The gameplay of this deck is to control the table with Taunt minions while dealing damage to enemy heroes when given the opportunity. If Oondasta’s turn doesn’t finish the opponent, Sulfuras’ hero power will definitely complete the task.

oondosta - EmergenceingameMind Blast Priest

Mind Blast Priest is a deck archetype that has existed for quite some time and in many different forms. Before the update, many versions of Mind Blast Priest did not have much success due to the difficulties in confronting Paladins and Druid. Now, when these two classes are no longer on the ladder like before, it seems that Mind Blast Priest has found its right place in the current meta.

Priest is the class that benefits a lot from Dragon cards and we have some new Dragon cards in Rastakhan’s Rumble. Crowd Roaster is a 7 mana Dragon 7/4 card with a Battlecry that deals 7 damage to an enemy minion if a Dragon is in your hand. This is a very good card with such mana cost and can turn the game upside down if Battlecry is activated.

Crowd Roaster Hearthstone - Emergenceingame

Another low mana cost Dragon-related card useful in the deck is Firetree Witchdoctor. The 2/2 mana card is not a Dragon type, but it does allow you to Discover a spell as long as you have a Dragon in your hand.

In addition to the new cards above, the way the deck plays is not much different from before. You’ll have to fend off your opponents early in the game by controlling the board with cards like Duskbreaker and Psychic Scream.

Then you’ll want to use Shadowreaper Anduin, followed by Alexstrasza. This card allows you to change your opponent’s hero health to 15, before killing them with Mind Blast and new hero power.

mindblast priest - Emergenceingame

Odd Rogue

During the first week of the expansion, many people tried out Odd Rogue. Unfortunately, due to this archetype deck being weak against Druid and Odd Paladin, it never attracted much attention. Just like Odd Warrior found success in the last nerf, Odd Rogue also reaped similar results.

Now, Odd Paladin is no longer the king of aggro, many other decks are trying to compete for that throne in Ladder. Odd Rogue offers a series of low mana combos. You’ll use low mana spells, like Cold Blood and Myra’s Unstable Element, to maximize the value of your aggressive minions in the deck.

myra hearthstone - Emergenceingame

Cold Blood is a 1-mana spell that adds 2 attacks to a minion, or 4 attacks if used in combos, which means you have to use another card on the same turn. Myra’s Unstable Element is a 5-mana card that allows you to draw everything left in your deck.

This deck uses cards like Vicious Fledgling and Southsea Deckhand, which are great for aggro decks due to their ability to put pressure on the table early. In addition, Leeroy Jenkins will help in finishing the enemy early.

Leeroy is a 6/2 5-mana minion with Charge and it summons two 1/1 whelps to the opponent. While whelp can easily kill Leeroy on the opponent’s next turn, it doesn’t matter. At the time of using Leeroy, you must have planned not to let your opponent play the next turn.


Both Odd Paladin and Odd Warrior have been budget decks for Hearthstone players for quite some time. If you play Hearthstone from the Fronzen Throne expansion, chances are you already have a lot of cards to make one of these two decks.

No matter what deck you decide to use to rank up, try to find a deck that suits your playstyle, If you like control a lot, Odd Rogue might not be right for you, try Mind Blast Priest. But if you like to play aggressive, then Odd Rogue is worth using.

According to Dotesports

Source link: Hearthstone: Decks worth checking out after the balance update
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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