Guide to good Dota: lane analysis skills

Guide to good Dota: lane analysis skills

Last time, we did a tutorial on how to consider choosing a lane to go. This time, the article will continue to go deeper. The beginning of the game is very varied and it varies from game to game. For the purposes of this article, we’ll talk about the first time creeps encounter each other and the end of the laning phase.


Guide to good Dota: lane analysis skills

This is the first thing you have to do in every game so make it a habit. Knowing how many healing items the opponent brings in lane and knowing what items they initially hold will make the difference between winning and losing lane.

Things to also look out for are movement speed, armor, and early-game attack items, such as the Orb of Venom. If your opponent plays proactively early, ready to use healing and trading items, then depending on the match, you need to play more carefully.

The best way in this situation and quite easy to do is to play passively, not pushing the lane too much. Carefully poke the enemy, force them to return home to heal, create space for you to last hit, deny or pull creeps. Always remember: killing the courier holding your opponent’s heal item will make it a lot easier for you to breathe in lane, even when your hero is being heavily countered.

If you’re a lane pressurer, be mindful of your primary goal: aim for the easiest target, whatever his position. If he kills the support, the enemy core in lane will have a hard time just getting last hits and denying, simply because he’s understaffed during that time. Prioritizing core kills only becomes important if he is superior in level and gold to his teammates.


Sometimes things don’t go as planned in lane no matter how hard you try. Whether it’s your own fault or your teammates’ fault, it doesn’t matter: you have to be optimistic and consider the options you have.

The most common mistake gamers make is when they lose lane, they start asking for ganks or rotates from the second support. This isn’t necessarily a bad idea and it still works sometimes if the other lane support is off to a good start, but we still have another, more reliable option. Don’t passively react to what your competitors are doing: be proactive.

Sometimes rotating support from losing lane to winning lane is a better choice. If you start putting pressure on the other half of the map, it will be the opponent on the right that reacts to your moves.

The opponent will probably counter your strategy by rotating a support from the winning lane, that somewhat relieves the pressure on your losing lane, and the enemy core also comes under more pressure. In many cases, this is a better solution than trying to save the lost lane.


Guide to good Dota: lane analysis skills

One of the most important pieces of information to keep in mind in the early game is knowing when your opponent is likely to teleport around the map. Specifically, a lot of professional teams always have to have teleport and watch that its original mission.

The moment the opponent teleports, you know you’ve created space for the other side of the map. For example, we talked about active play and hero rotation above, so if deployed correctly with the right heroes, there is a high chance that you will kill an opposing hero and even pressure the turret. of the opponent.

Then, if they teleport back to the old lane, you can pick up cards and continue the pressure because you know the opponent can’t react in time, at least not enough people to control. This is when you can save the losing lane with an advantage over people.

These aren’t the only reasons to consider enemy TP cooldowns when analyzing initial lane health, but it has the most impact. If you continue to catch your opponent’s holes by playing flexibly and attacking where they are weaker, you may be able to create enough advantage to snowball and finish the game quickly.


There are games where the laning phase ends at 15 minutes and there are games where it ends in the first 5 minutes. It mainly depends on how long it takes the hero to reach his early game power threshold.

If you play carry, you need to know when to hide on the map, dodge rank and go farm. If you’re a hero that has to actively gank, you need to know what timing is enough to start threatening your opponent’s cores.

As a support, you should keep an eye on your team’s core as well as those of your opponents, to have the best chance of providing support when needed. Active supports often follow active heroes. Passive supports often push lanes, protect turrets and create space for their cores to farm enough items.

Standing too long in the lane, sooner or later, the opponent will also find a way to exploit you. Therefore, don’t wait for a reaction but take the initiative if your hero can do it. Determine where the opponent’s threat is, consider what is the priority and the ability to successfully kill the enemy, analyze where they may be in the next 30 seconds and then smoke gank.


Early game is often important, but that’s not necessarily true in pubs where amateurs often play poorly, the mentality is worse when they can’t win their crushed lane. Many of the things mentioned in today’s post are not only effective in actual gameplay but can also boost morale for yourself and your team.

Noticing too many things at once can be overwhelming at first, but with enough experience, it becomes a natural reflex. Not only will it help you create good habits, but it will also help you get rid of a lot of things in your head, to focus on more specific things.

According to dotabuff

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