Genshin Impact: Interesting reveal about Tartaglia

Genshin Impact Tartaglia 7 - Emergenceingame

Tartaglia (Childe) is a 5 star character in Genshin Impact that many people want. However, not everyone knows all the legends behind the story of Childe in Genshin Impact.

Childe in Genshin Impact

Tartaglia is one of the unique characters of Genshin Impact. His nickname is Childe. Tartaglia belongs to a Hydro-type character, 5 stars, uses a bow and arrow as a weapon.

Tartaglia is also a judge of Fatui in Genshin Impact, considered the most dangerous member of the guild. He is always ready to face any challenge.

Interesting Facts About Childe in Genshin Impact

The difference between Tartaglia on the web and in the game

Childe character in Genshin Impact

According to information on the publisher’s web, Tartaglia is unpredictable and warns players not to let his innocent, childish appearance fool him. This character is extremely confident, egotistical, and ostentatious. He is a fighter, so he is always looking to develop his skills through every match, even if he is not afraid of death.

However, in the game, “Harbinger’s number 11, aka Childe. His name is very scary on the battlefield.Compared to the rest of Fatui’s 11 Judges, Childe is an eccentric. They can be patient and work in the dark, but Tartaglia can’t, he hurls himself into the middle of the game.

Childe in the game Genshin Impact

In addition, Childe enjoys making friends and being a public figure. In fact, when Tartaglia is not on adventures, he works as an actor in plays and theater productions.

In general, Tartaglia are considered loyal, caring, generous and affectionate people.

Tartaglia is so dapper

Childe is a beautiful character in Genshin Impact

If she entered a fashion contest, Tartaglia would definitely win. He always appears neat in a gray jacket, gray pants, black boots and gloves. Tartaglia also wears a belt with a crystal ball. He also wears only one earring studded with a red pearl and wears his Fauti mask to the side. Looks so trendy!

Tartaglia has a wonderful gift

Childe has a wonderful gift

No one enjoys fighting in Genshin Impact more than Tartaglia. He attacks right in the head when equipped with his trusty Bow and is virtually immune to toxic Hydrogen energy.

  • Basic Attack – Cutting Torrent
  • Elemental Skills – Foul Legacy: Raging Tide
  • Elemental Burst – Havoc: Obliteration
  • First passive skill – Never Ending; The second is the Sword of Torrents, the last is the Master of Weaponry.

Tartaglia loves to collect seashells

Tartaglia loves to collect seashells

Tartaglia, enjoys lectures on freedom, badges of Recruit, Sergeant… and is a fan of Shard of a Foul Legacy. When it comes to Ascension, Tartaglia wants a lot of Varunada Lazurite (Sliver, Fragment, Chunk, Gemstone), Cleansing Heart, Insignia (Recruit’s, Sergeant’s, Middle’s) and… Starconch, those are cute little hollow seashells containing the call of the sea.

Tartaglia using Monoceros Caeli


Monoceros Caeli is the constellation name of Tartaglia in Genshin Impact, the character progression system. Each constellation is unlocked with Stella Fortuna.

If he decides to invest in Tartaglia, he can activate Riptide multiple times against enemies on the battlefield. From levels one to six, they are Foul Legacy: Tide Withholder, Foul Legacy: Understream, Abyssal Mayhem: Vortex of Turmoil, Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrosprout, Havoc: Formless Blade and Havoc: Annihilation.

Tartaglia has come to Abyss

Tartaglia has come to Abyss

The lore behind the eleventh Harbinger is definitely one of the most interesting Genshin Impact stories ever. Tartaglia not only highlights the unknown features of Snezhnaya upon release, but also has a lot of other details that influenced Genshin Impact’s world-building and story.

One fact about Tartaglia that fans often forget is that he went to the Abyss as a child. Few characters have ever accidentally entered the terrifying realm of monsters, but that clash over Tartaglia proved his place and power in the present.

These are just a few of the interesting facts about Childe in Genshin Impact. Please share with readers other things you know about this character!

Source link: Genshin Impact: Interesting reveal about Tartaglia

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