Fix Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed on Windows

22790 - Emergenceingame

On Windows, when you uninstall and get the error Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed, you will probably be very frustrated because it is not clear why you cannot remove the error Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed out to install or uninstall the next software.

Windows is not a perfect piece of software, but every error on Windows is not necessarily without a way to fix it. During the normal program uninstallation process, there are many errors including the Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed error that we are talking about. The Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed error also stems from the fact that you uninstall many or both uninstall and do many different tasks, causing a process that cannot run smoothly.

sua loi please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed on windows

Normally, we often recommend that readers use 3rd party software to remove such as Your Uninstaller, the Uninstall software with Your Uninstaller This will help minimize the errors encountered.

Instructions to fix Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed on Windows.

Step 1: First in fixing the Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed, you should go in Task Manager through the Task bar and to see what problems the process has.

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Step 2: In Task Manager you go to Tab Processes and find the process named Windows Module Inteller turn it off with End task Please.

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Step 3: If after step 2 you still get the error Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed, please open Start Menu up and restart the machine right.

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Step 4: Another way for you to try to fix the Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed error is to use 3rd party software, the point here is iObit Uninstaller, one of the very good software at root uninstall the software, although the free version but iObit Uninstaller also very good with many integrated modes, not only the feature of uninstalling computer software.

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Step 5: You can click on any software you want to uninstall, or the uninstalled software is faulty. Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed.

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With the use of IObit Uninstaller software, it also helps you uninstall software more safely, and avoid the Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed error.

To avoid errors Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed, readers should remember not to run many software or uninstall and install many software at once, then your computer is very prone to this or other errors. other related. In addition, in some severe cases, the Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed error also prevents you from shutting down the computer.

If you still do not believe in iObit Uninstaller or Your Uninstaller, then Revo Uninstaller Pro is also a good choice to remove the program. Uninstall software with Revo Uninstaller Pro To make sure the system is safe, the software’s deep scan mode is very suitable for fixing errors. Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed.
Or you can refer to the top software to uninstall very effective applications on your computer, with Top program removal software as suggested by always ensure the efficiency and safety of the system.

Author: Nguyen Thuy Thanh
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loi Please wait until the current program is finished uninstalling or being changed on Windows

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