Female streamer insults another streamer on Twitch and gets a bitter ending

gamehub.vn lang ma nghe si tren twitch nu stream nhan ket dang 5 - Emergenceingame

While Twitch known as a paradise for unexpected content, live stream of a streamer on the platform went viral on January 8th by her extremely negative comments about another streamer.

Streamer crokonikeosrs and a friend watching one’s livestream content creation called moonlightandlace, but they don’t watch it for fun, instead, they use their platform as a vehicle to make hurtful comments about her artwork.



“It’s like some crappy school shooter,” one of the two could be heard speaking as moonlightandlace held up a notepad drawing. “However, I will give her a follow-up, because I want to keep coming back to see her stupid stuff.”

Moonlight went on to showcase a sketch from The Mandalorian, which drew laughter from one of the 2 streamers.

One person said: “I drew that crap when I was in elementary school. I don’t like to insult others, I just like to speak ill of them. Like this chicken. Have you seen her picture yet? … she drew it. She literally drew this crap, and then showed it off on livestream as if it were her own work of art. It’s a damn crime against God.”


While moonlight has yet to comment on the grisly comments from bullies on Twitch, viewers have come out to support her, denouncing the streamers.

“Trash humans can do no better than insult someone for their content,” a user wrote. “Here’s how to get this loser out of the stream because Twitch really doesn’t need these humans.”


Others claim to have reported the channel, which has since been taken down at the time of writing.


This is not the first time a streamers are banned after giving the offensive comment About another streamer, in May 2019, Twitch artist Kuno and his girlfriend were suspended after publicly mocking a fellow artist during a livestream.

While such people still exist, it is comforting to know that viewers will work together to ensure such behavior is punished.​

Source link: Female streamer insults another streamer on Twitch and gets a bitter ending
– Emergenceingames.com

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