Facebook Ads terms you need to know

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In the previous article, we provided the Google Adwords running terms the most popular, and in the content below, taimienphi.vn continues to send you advertising terms Facebook Ads for easy reference, quickly find the definition you need, understand the essence and start building a successful advertising campaign.

1. Ad account (Ad account): Bring together all of your specific advertising, including your various campaigns, creatives, and payment information.
2. Ad name (Ad name): The name of the ad you’re viewing in the report.
3. Ad Set (Ad package): An ad bundle is a group of ads that share a common budget, schedule, delivery optimization, and target a group of customers.
4. Audience (Audience): The group of users that you want your ads to reach.
5. Audience Network (Smart Audience Network): A network of mobile web and mobile app publishers approved by Facebook to display ads in apps.

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6. Bid (Bid): The maximum amount you pay per result for your ad. This metric may appear automatically if you choose automatic bidding.
7. Billing Summary (Payment Summary): Payment Summary shows you a list of all your past advertising expenses. Clicking on each description link will take you to a detailed breakdown of that charge, including the date it was charged and the specific ad that ran for a specific time period.
8. Billing Threshold (Payment Threshold): A payment threshold allows you to set up when Facebook automatically bills you for ads based on how much you spend.
9. Budget (Budget): The maximum amount you can spend on an ad, on average per day or for the duration of a scheduled ad.
10. Button Clicks (Button Clicks): The number of times users clicked the call-to-action button on your ad.
11. Campaign name (Campaign name): Name of Facebook Marketing Strategy that you are viewing in the report.
12. Campaign spending limit (Campaign spending limit): Allows you to set a limit on the maximum amount spent on a campaign. Your campaign will stop running when this limit is reached.
13. Check-ins (Number of check-ins): The number of check-ins to your Facebook page after exposure to the ad.
14. Clicks (All) (Clicks – All): The number of clicks on your ads, including link clicks, clicks on your Facebook page, profile page, or picture. It also includes all responses with posts, likes, comments, shares, images, videos.
15. Conversions (Conversions): Actions that a visitor completes, like making a purchase or adding to a cart, on a website.
16. CPC cost per click (All) (CPC cost per click – All): The metric is calculated as total spend divided by (all) clicks.
17. CPL cost per lead (CPL cost per lead): This metric is calculated as the total amount spent divided by the number of leads.

Facebook ads can't know 2

18. CPM (Cost per 1000 people reached) (CPM – Cost of reaching 1,000 people): Average cost to reach 1,000 Facebook users. Online advertisers often view CPM as a performance measurement for a campaign’s cost effectiveness and value.
19. CTR Click through rate (All) (Click through rate – All): Percentage of people who saw your ad and performed a click (all).
20. CTR Click through rate – Link Click-Through Rate (Link Click-Through Rate): The percentage of times people see your ad and click on the link.
21. Daily Budget (Daily Budget): Daily budget is the average amount you’re willing to spend on a particular set of ads per day. Each ad set has its own budget.
22. Delivery (Distribution): The current status of your campaign, ad bundle, or ad delivery.
23. Engagement (Commitment): The total number of actions your target audience took in relation to your ad.
24. Frequency (Frequency): The average number of times each Facebook user sees an ad.
25. Impressions (Impressions): The number of times the ad appeared on the target audience’s screen.
26. Lead Generation (Generate Leads): Lead generation is the process of building an ad viewer’s interest in your products or services. This can be done through a survey or a suggestion to fill out a form.
27. Likes and Interests (Likes and Interests): Allows you to refine your target audience based on what they reveal on their Facebook profile.
28. Link Clicks (Link Clicks): The number of clicks on an ad link to select a destination or experience.
29. Lookalike Audiences (Create a Lookalike Audience File): This Facebook tool helps advertisers reach people who appear to be potential customers (or like leads). To use this feature, you need to install Custom Audiences.
30. Objective (Goal): The objective you selected for the ad campaign.
31. Offline Events (Offline Events): The number of events captured by your offline event data and attributed to your ads.
32. On-Facebook Purchases (Buy on Facebook): The number of purchase actions taken on your Facebook or Messenger page and attributed to your ad.
33. Organic Leads (Create a list of natural leads): Potential customers see your business when searching for a product, service, or question in a search engine, instead of going directly to a URL or clicking on a PPC ad.
34. Outbound clicks (Outbound Clicks): Number of clicks on links out of Facebook-owned properties.
35. Page likes (Page likes): The number of likes of the Facebook page running the ad.
36. Partner Categories: Targeting options to identify and reach the right people with the right message on Facebook, based on their activity off Facebook.
37. People Taking Action: This metric shows the number of people who took a specific action after seeing your ad.
38. Pixels: A set of code placed on a website or app that helps track traffic, conversions, and more data from visitors or app downloaders.
39. Placement (Location): The location where your ad is shown. Ads may show in Mobile News Feed of Facebook, Instagram and Messenger etc.
40. Reach: The number of people who saw your ad at least once. Reach is different from impressions, which can include multiple ad views by the same person.
41. Relevance Score: A rating of 1 – 10 estimates how responsive the target audience is to the ad.
42. Source Audience: Is the audience that the Lookalike Audience is based on.
43. Targeting: The process of defining an audience for an ad.
44. Total conversion value (Total conversion value): The total value of all conversions attributed to the ad.
45. Unique Clicks (All) (Unique Clicks – All): The number of people who performed an ad click.

Above, Taimienphi.vn introduced you to the Facebook Ads terms you need to know. Hope the article has provided you with useful information. Also if you have any queries or questions that need to be answered like Facebook sales support software If it’s effective, readers can leave their comments in the comment section below the article.

Source link: Facebook Ads terms you need to know
– Emergenceingames.com

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