Doublelift: League of Legends is “tougher” than Dota 2 doublelift lol kho nhan hon dota 2 0 - Emergenceingame

Doublelift is one of the biggest names in League of Legendshas played at the highest level since 2011 and has represented North America countless times at World Championship.

It’s not hard to say that he is one of the most experienced players of LoL and so he is always asked for opinions on genres MOBA game. One of the most popular topics was the fierce competition between Dota 2 with LoL, where fans want to prove their game is the best. Normally, LoL experts keep quiet on this matter, but this time Doublelift gave a definitive answer.


American gamer was asked about Dota 2 in one session live stream recently and publicly explained why League of Legends is so much harder. “There is a 0% chance that Dota 2 has a higher mechanical skill than LoL. It has swing speed, built-in delay, not many short skills, and mobility.”I said.

Star of Team Liquid go on to say: “You have more controls, but they are aiming instead of shooting skills, so you don’t usually need to show high mechanical ability. Meanwhile, LoL is really very mechanically intensive.”

He then ended by saying that he has been playing Dota for 8 years and has played every pick-up game well thanks to his knowledge.

League of Legends fans will no doubt be pleased with Doublelift’s comments, though they might expect it from someone who has made a career out of the game.

Even with an extremely skilled player who has played both games also backing LoL, there is no doubt that the rivalry between fans of both games will continue.​

Source link: Doublelift: League of Legends is “tougher” than Dota 2

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