Dota 2: What does Dragon Knight really need to build?

Dota 2: What does Dragon Knight really need to build?

dragon knight hero nay that su can len do gi 1 - EmergenceingameDragon Knight is not a hero that really stands out for you to perform. The first thing they mentioned about the Dragon Knight was “mediocre”. This is a hero that has a stun, a light nuke skill, and a passive that heals and heals, with Ultimate transforming into a dragon. Turning into a dragon sounds fun, but it’s actually not so much when you enter the game. At the same time, Dragon Knights is still one of the most stable and reliable heroes in the game regardless of the meta, as DK’s playstyle is often picked in the mid to willing to sacrifice himself as a decoy carry to give the team a chance. higher chance of winning.

The recent trend for Dragon Knight’s win rate as well as pick is steadily increasing. It was patch 7.07 and its changes made the hero stand out completely – there is no single, overwhelming build for Dragon Knight. DK’s items are mainly based on one or two main items, but choosing the talent bar depends on the role in the game. And this is one of the safest and most reliable picks in the current meta.

Dragon Knight thật sự cần lên đồ gì 1 - Emergenceingame

HERO is favored like MEDUSA

Medusa is back in the pub and pro arena thanks to the changes in 7.07 thanks to a better upgraded skill set and talent bar. At level 20, the +800 Mana talent is probably the top reason for being picked. But at levels 10 and 15, talents allow Medusa to keep up with the pace of the match.

The same could be said for the Dragon Knight. 7.07b changed the level 15 talent from +40% XP to +35 damage. Combined with the +30 Attack Speed ​​talent at level 10, Dragon Knight is not only a tank and strong hero in teamfights, but also easier to farm and push lanes.

However, while damage path builds have a high success rate in pubs, pros often focus on the hero’s utility with +2 mana regeneration and +300 health. Thanks to that, this hero can become a mobile fortress in the front with his ability to control combat well.


Blink Dagger and Shadow Blade become indispensable for Dragon Knight, helping him to initiate combat and attract attention from enemies, forcing the opponent to use moves to protect themselves and team up or lose people first. when the combat takes place. These are two items that are bought for the hero no matter what the circumstances and sometimes, they both appear in the same game.

Blink Dagger is a great initiator that can’t be countered by sentry and then stuns the guy you hate for a few seconds. Blink Dagger has no counterplay, except for powerful dispel skills from Abaddon, Legion Commander or Oracle. Meanwhile, Shadow Blade allows the champion to deal more damage, but is still useful to go to Silver Edge depending on the situation.

Leveling up will vary from game to game, and there are games that force you to upgrade to both. Usually, you want to go to Blink Dagger to deal with flexible heroes, and at the same time, your teammates want you to build Shadow Blade yourself (at rank 3k and below, the glimmer cape is something that doesn’t exist in the game).

Going on both will ensure you get in and out of teamfights smoothly, when the opponent has heroes that can open vision for the team, like Keeper of the Light, Beastmaster or Night Stalker. It is rarely bought because of the bonus damage, but because of the stability when it comes to helping the Dragon Knight rush forward, especially when you encounter bloody objects that you can’t ignore.

Another reason to build both items is Silver Edge, which is an effective item that can change the situation of the game.

Whatever your choice, Dragon Knight will always need the Black King Bar to maintain his dps. Pro tournaments from Europe, CIS, China and now SEA have also proven the need for BKB when combined with blink and stun. With that said, after initiating the teamfight, BKB helps continue to deal more damage and survivability.

The mid to late game build can be fluid, but it’s usually Bloodthorn, Assault Cuirass, Monkey King Bar, and Mjollnir.


Dragon Knight currently has a 57% win rate in pro and 52% in 5k+ matches this month, making DK one of the most successful heroes in this patch. However, very few people complain about this hero and no one thinks DK is too strong.

As mentioned above, Dragon Knight is one of the most reliable heroes in the game, but DK’s quirk makes him strong in a special way. Dragon Knight starts the game as a basic core: a laner, but not enough to threaten the opponent. Dragon Knight is very tanky, but not strong enough to survive as long as Tidehunter or Abaddon. He deals a decent amount of damage, but can’t match real carries. And DK can push lane well, but not at the level of Death Prophet or similar champions.

And the success of Dragon Knight depends on the choice of your item. What does this hero really need to build? That is your decision.

Source: dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: What does Dragon Knight really need to build?

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