Dota 2: Top strongest support 7.28

Dota 2: Top strongest support 7.28

The new meta has started to take shape in Dota since patch 7.28a came out. With the DPC qualifiers underway, we also have more data on the heroes being prioritized by the pro. Overall, the meta is a bit like patch 7.28 but there are a few important heroes that need more attention. Below is a list of the top strongest supports 7.28a in Dota today.


Keeper - Emergenceingame


If you read through the patch notes, Keepfer of the Light seems to be at a big disadvantage. Since players now have to pay an extra 4200 gold to get Will O’ Wisp back, it really isn’t a bargain even though we have Spirit Form back. But in reality, Keeper is probably the only strongest hero in the entire update. Spirit Form has a duration of 40 seconds with a cooldown of 90/80/70 giving you a long time to summon teammates, as well as fight with Blinding Light. It seems that without Blindling Light, Keeper’s laning phase will be disadvantaged, but Solar Bind offers great potential for ganking heroes. Meanwhile, Illuminate is one of the highest damage spells in the game at level 1.

In general, Keeper of the Light is a pretty strong support but needs to coordinate well with teammates to bring out its full potential. This support can also be combined with any team that likes to farm a lot with Recall. Not to mention, you also make a big contribution to teamfight in the mid game because KoTL can farm fast enough to get to Aghanim’s Scepter (Will O’ Wisp).

nyx assassin - Emergenceingame


Nyx Assassin is one of those heroes that only appear in the meta when properly buffed. In 7.28a, Nyx has the potential to counter almost any popular hero including Keeper of the Light. Nyx is banned in almost every pro game because, even though this support is not a strong laner, he can stop almost any strategy. Spirit mid heroes are almost unplayable against a good Nyx. And most of today’s popular carries have to rely on passives or agility to be effective.

Nyx Assassin has been buffed continuously in the past time. The hero’s damage output is pretty impressive once it reaches level 6. Nyx’s new Aghanim’s Shard upgrade is among the best in the game right now, allowing Nyx to be the fastest hero on the map in an instant and wipe out support or Intelligence heroes. out of the game due to the bonus magic damage potential.


The hero meta has changed a bit in patch 7.28, but the game still focuses on the carry role. At the end of the game, farming heroes still dominate the meta and that means strong supports in the laning phase are essential to success. As a hard support, one of the most powerful influences you need to make is to make sacrifices. Take the hit, trade profitably and be the first sacrifice on the team. Therefore, a hard support with better resistance will greatly benefit, especially when you can have a big impact in teamfight.

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Bane is back in the meta and continues to be one of the most annoying heroes. Fiends Grip helps to lock the opponent’s foot with great influence, not to mention choosing a reasonable standing position when having Aghanim’s Shard will be very beneficial in the mid and late game.


Undying continues to take on a very good hard support position. Undying takes a hit plus the ability to heal the team, then harasses in teamfight with his zombie army. This hero, although not as hot as before, still allows the weakest carry to ‘free farm’ in nearly every lane.

dota 2 huong dan ogre magi ti9 2 - Emergenceingame


Similar to Undying, Ogre Magi doesn’t require much effort but is still fun to play. The hero is buffalo and can play actively to ensure the core is farmed. As for the later stages of the game, Ogre is one of the best heroes to help carry stronger hand attacks with Bloodlust. As long as you buy small support items like Gilmmer Cape, Medallion and Vladmir’s Offering instead of rushing Midas straight, this is one of the easiest supports to win the game right now.


Elder Titan is a hero that is only for a few in specific cases but is very dangerous if it falls into the hands of experienced gamers. By controlling the jungle well during the lane phase, the Elder Titan can clear the opponent’s lane with the Astral Spirit buff buff. After a strong laning phase, Elder Titan can return to the role of Dota’s best team fight. ET can prolong the game or play as aggressively as it wants. Natural Order is also one of the best counter moves in the game against Agility cores.


Earth Spirit, Tiny, Rubick and Phoenix have been present in the meta since the beginning of last year. After all these years, these four position 4 heroes are still reliable first picks. Tiny and Earth Spirit offer good early game roam potential, helping with snowball squads. Meanwhile, Rubick and Phoenix are still reliable heroes to help win team fights as well as in the later stages of the game. Dota gamers in general already know how to counter these four heroes, but their influence has not diminished.


dota 2 huong dan bounty hunter 7 21 - Emergenceingame


Bounty Hunter gains traction with the new Aghanim’s Shard. Currently, the most effective strategy is to have four heroes fight around the map while the late game carry focuses on farming. Few current heroes promote this strategy as well as Bounty Hunter – turning a successful gank into a gold advantage for the whole team. This is also one of the best counters of Nyx Assassin and Keeper of the Light that are hot right now.


Crystal Maiden is quietly creeping into the professional arena. Hero is a strong laner and can gank very early when combined with an active carry like Monkey King or Ursa. As usual, CM’s aura has a big effect on teammates, helping them continue to perform well on the map. In addition, Frostbite retains mobile cores such as Void Spirit, Ember Spirit, Phantom Assassin.


Shadow Shaman is one of those heroes we often forget until the pro scene starts to pick. Currently, pro players like Cirt and GH are almost spamming Shadow Shaman in position 4 in pubs with super high win rates. Choosing a combat-oriented build with Hex and Shackles, Shaman will help teammates get kills throughout the early and mid game. Serpend Wards continue to be one of Dota’s best tools for turret destruction. With the new Aghanim’s Shard, Shadow Shaman can solo kill almost any hero with his combo skill set.

Whether it’s position 4 or hard support, the game now has a lot of options for you. So what is your favorite support pick in patch 7.28?

According to dotabuff

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