Dota 2: Top mid lane heroes meta 7.21d

Các hero đi mid 7.21d
Heroes going mid 7.21d

Morphling icon.pngMORPHLING

Like the Drow Ranger, Morphling is an Agility hero that relies heavily on items. Patch 7.21 and 7.21c brought the hero back into the meta. Overall, Morphling’s Agility is increased by 16% (3.7 to 4.3) and Strength gain is increased by 30% (2.3 to 3), and as Morphling the hero can exploit both of these buffs.

With his tanking ability, Morphling is the favorite mid hero in pubs, being able to get last hits and deny without too much difficulty, while chasing and escaping ganks easily. Morphling is always under the spotlight in almost every stage of the game. And if the hero has a retrace early in the game, Morphling can still enter the jungle with only the Morbid Mask. To learn how to play Morphling, follow games from one of the best at this hero, Secret.Nisha.

Necrophos icon.pngNECROPHOS

Necrophos has always had its place, although it has not been used much in the professional arena. Necrophos dethroned Viper to become the hero with the highest win rate in pub, thanks to the 7.21 Intelligence buff as well as the increased damage of Death Pulse.

Necrophos has a lot of hero counters, including Oracle – the most popular support hero of this patch 7.21d. This hero no longer overwhelms the lane since Death Pulse’s passive heal was changed to Heartstopper. Even so, Necrophos still has a 55% win rate at Divine/Immortal ranks, which is proof that Necrophos is worth a try.

Razor icon.pngRAZOR

With Viper being nerfed, Razor is clearly a stable pick for mid. Razor hasn’t been nerfed much in the past updates, not to mention Agility has also been buffed and backswing time is also reduced. But it seems that players are only taking advantage of Razor’s new passive – which acts as mini-Radiance, dealing continuous damage to enemies within range.

This passive paved the way for Razor’s lightning-fast farming speed, allowing him to outmaneuver the mid-game opponents he often encounters in the late game. Razor’s former strength usually shows in the laning phase, then weakens towards the end of the game. Now, this hero can return to his farm and build his core items much faster.

Outworld Devourer icon.pngOUTWORLD DEVOURER

Despite owning the lowest win rate in pub, Outworld Devourer is still one of the top pick mid heroes in the meta. Statistically, Outworld Devourer shines most in high ranks (47% win rate from Divine and above) compared to low ranks (36-39% at Legend rank and below), showing that the vast majority of pub players still have not used this hero properly.

OD is still the best match for some meta heroes at the moment, like Troll Warlord, Razor and Morphling. Despite the high rank and the important players, but as the meta of the game changes, this hero will probably need more buffs.


Dragon Knight icon.pngDRAGON KNIGHT

Kunkka icon.pngKUNKKKA

Viper icon.pngVIPER

What these heroes have in common is that their laning is stable and not easily countered. While these heroes aren’t as popular as previous patches, Viper continues to be a nuisance in pubs, with the second highest win rate. Viper’s win rate dwindles at high ranks, but is generally still a stable pick in All Pick games. Similar to Dragon Knight, this hero keeps appearing from patch to patch.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: Top mid lane heroes meta 7.21d

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