Dota 2: The following 4 tips will help you increase your MMR

Dota 2: The following 4 tips will help you increase your MMR
Game thủ phải sử dụng số điện thoại Dota giống Steam nếu muốn leo Rank - Emergenceingame

Ban is passionate about the game, but the defeats make me discouraged. You want to win but your teammates are too ‘crazy’ and the matchmaking system is not fair at all. You want to climb the rank but the win rate is only 50%.

Perhaps everyone has had such a feeling once, and reaching the Ancient is almost impossible, let alone Divine. This article will share some tips to help you increase your MMR.


Some people believe that drafts in Dota contribute at least 50% of the game. If you win the draft, chances are you win the game. Of course, you still want to play well, deploy effectively in the game, but with the advantage of drafting, playing well and deploying tactics is a lot easier.

Gain an edge in the draft by researching which heroes are strong in your rank.

Guide to play Hunter

Under Dotabuff’s hero meta tab, you can easily find which heroes are strong. For example, if it is at Legend rank, then Drow Ranger, Lycan, Visage, Clinkz and Underlord have the highest win rate. Besides, you can also follow that list to choose a few heroes you are good at and try to pick these heroes, the probability of winning will be higher.

To be more sure, you can see each hero performing well in your rank and find their best match. For example, if you look at the hero page Drow Ranger (on Dotabuff), you can see that Drow is weak against Mars, Sniper, Ax, Centaur Warrunner and Broodmother. Then, if the opponent picks Drow Ranger in the game, you can counter this hero.


Team fight plays an important role in the game. A team fight won after being dead all year can be a great comeback. Losing a team fight might start you ’tilt’, but that doesn’t mean you’ll lose. Playing your role right can make a big difference between winning and losing a team fight.

To understand your role better, learn how professional players play. A way of playing that is considered a good strategy is to counter “open the teamfight” rather than initiate the fight. You can see this tactic in effect at ESL One Hamburg 2019.

TNC.kpii and his team won the tournament, with him prioritizing how to build tank items. This allows kpii to initiate a fight or, if caught, still be able to withstand a burst of head damage. His teammates will then respond while the opponent has exhausted all abilities.

That’s why Abaddon position 3 is more popular. How to play Abaddon revolves around this strategy thanks to his ultimate. Enemies must use battle resources to pull Abaddon’s health down low, so that the hero can resist all damage when he is weak (for a few seconds). After the opponent has used up all their spells and is in an easy position, Abaddon’s team can jump in and use their spell set against them.

rubick - Emergenceingame

An important tip is to choose your standing position if you are a spell hero. If your role is to cast spells in combat, then you don’t want to be the first to get caught. Be it Rubick, Lion, or Oracle, if caught, you will die instantly and become useless.

If you look at players using magic spells, they’re usually out of sight of team fight. They do not stand where the combat is happening, because they can be caught and die instantly. Players stand outside and wait to cast spells at the right time and then join.

So, don’t stand awkwardly in the main combat area, hit your fist and deal only 50 damage and then die in a few seconds. Should choose a position on the edge of the battlefield, and only join when the kit is ready. Ideally, wait until you find an opening to mine.


This seems like a pretty obvious tip, but it’s worth noting. The way the article achieves Divine is to play the best author heroes over and over again. It can be boring but if the goal is to climb the ranks, then this is probably the best strategy.

It’s really frustrating to play on a team with someone who doesn’t know how to play their hero, especially in rank. Don’t be that person, play the hero you are best at.

When you reach your highest MMR potential, you are participating in high-level matches. In such games, the average player is usually better, with more game knowledge than in low tier games. When you play in such games, the possibility of outplay is higher, and in such moments, you can realize your weakness.


One of the main ways to improve Dota gameplay and knowledge is to follow pro players: game, stream and from their perspective.

Professional players are the best players in the game and if you watch them play, there is a high chance they will play differently from you. The great thing about Dota is that you can see exactly how a player like Miracle- plays.

AntiMageGuiltoftheSurvivorloadingscreenDota - Emergenceingame

If you follow, you will notice how the proplayer plays carry and support. Carry players spend a lot of time in the jungle. It’s the carry’s responsibility to farm and get stronger, and it’s not always a good idea to farm in lane. When following pro, they will farm in the jungle every chance they get. You can do a lot of jungling while playing carry and GPM will improve. Farming in the jungle is safer than farming in lane and you want to kill as many creeps as you can when playing carry.

With pro support, you notice how they engage in team fights. As mentioned above, they are never in the middle of the fire when a fight occurs. Support stays out of combat until their spells are ready or there’s a great opportunity to cast them. For example, as Earthshaker, you don’t jump in the middle of a teamfight and start a hand attack even though you’re a melee hero. Earthshaker will wait until the enemy has gathered and when the opponent lines up will use Fissure to stun multiple people at once, save teammates, prevent reverse capture and prevent ganks at the same time.

Of course, it’s hard to resist going into battle while it’s happening, but as a magic support, patience is a very important virtue. You won’t be useful in teamfight if you die first, so wait for the right opportunity to attack.

To read more about support tips, check out the articles below:


In general, if you want to increase your MMR, you need to practice and improve your game knowledge. You learn more when you follow pro players, watch tournaments and listen to expert analysis. You practice by playing more and trying different heroes and strategies.

Researching and understanding meta knowledge is also important. If you only play a hero with an extremely low win rate, you can stop losing by choosing another hero. By researching which heroes are strong and what their countermeasures are, you can win the game by winning your opponent’s draft.

And remember, MMR is not a reflection of your gamer value. Your enjoyment of the game is the most important thing! Keep a positive attitude and use the Mute button if your teammates become toxic.

According to dotabuff

Source link: Dota 2: The following 4 tips will help you increase your MMR

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