Dota 2: Outworld Destroyer Guide 7.28

Dota 2: Outworld Destroyer Guide 7.28

No hero in Dota 2 history has been remade or renamed so many times as OD. IceFrog had a hard time figuring out the identity for this hero. Sometimes the hero is too strong, there are times when the OD is almost useless even though the game is completely in his favor. For now, OD is probably too strong a mid hero and today’s article will analyze why, as well as how to promote OD well at high ranks.


Let’s start with the very basics: what OD really changed in 7.28. Astral Imprisonment has been reworked and now steals a percentage of the enemy’s max mana, making it a great combo with OD’s ultimate. And unlike previous combos, this change is stronger towards the late game while posing more danger to Intelligence heroes.

The increased cast range for Astral Imprisonment is also important in mid. With a cooldown of 24 seconds with a minimum duration of 1.75 seconds, any hero that doesn’t have a mid nuke will have a hard time competing with ranged creeps. Overall, OD has just gone in a circle to return to the old mid dominance. However, Astral Imprisonment now deals damage as well. Specifically, it is among the strongest basic nuke moves with 360 damage at level 4.

Arcane orb is a bit different. It uses a fixed amount of mana in the current mana pool and deals damage as a percentage of your current mana. It works like the old basic attack with great damage, but since it now uses the current percentage of mana, the OD can be used more. And it has even higher burst damage potential.

Overall, the drastic changes in 7.28 speed up OD in teamfights. Previously, OD needed a few seconds to stack more mana for ultimate teamfight Sanity’s Eclipse. The hero now has the ability to finish teamfight faster, while the damage potential is higher than before. Meanwhile, the ability to fight in prolonged combat is not affected much because OD can still stack his maximum mana with many Astrals.


Meteor Hammer, pretty ridiculous isn’t it. Since this item came out, the general opinion about it has changed a lot and now most gamers understand that this item can be a valuable tool if the right hero is used. OD is one of those heroes: OD unleashes Meteor Hammer through Astral. This combo alone does close to 800 damage. Followed by Arcane Orb and possibly Eclipse, you’ll get a 5-second combo that deals tons of damage, leaving no time for the enemy to react unless they have a BKB or low cast-point skill.

Reading these instructions, we almost realize that most ODs are healthy with just early game Meteor Hammer, before they switch to a survival or mobility item: BKB or Blink Dagger. At the end of the game, high level OD will usually have both and the order of items depends on the opposing squad and how dangerous you feel the opponent’s magic damage and disable.

Another very interesting item for OD is the Witch Blade. With 30 base intelligence and 4.2 per levem, OD is among the smartest heroes in the game and can make the most of this item’s slow and DoT effects. Don’t expect the Witch Blade to deal a lot of damage, but it will help you against fast-moving, agile objects.

Going into the late game, Shiva and Scythe are still great items for OD as usual. Depending on the match, which item you will want to build first. If the enemy has high magic damage and mobility, it’s better to get on Scythe first. Otherwise, Shiva is a reasonable attack and defense tool that reduces physical damage, creates vision, and reduces the healing effect of the opponent.


Now, OD does not need to focus solely on farming. You don’t sit in the lane and play passively. As soon as the Meteor Hammer is obtained, the player can start rotating.

The final plus point for the hero is the increased movement speed. OD now moves 325. This stat is strategically important, as OD now moves 80% faster than the game’s heroes. Not to mention, in mid, OD can also compete with runes and move to the side lanes faster as well as exert a lot of pressure in the early stage when heroes don’t have BKB. Take advantage of this.

OD level 7 deals around 1000 damage, quite powerful for a mid hero, more than enough to finish off most early game cores. Alternatively, the player can use Meteor Hammer to push the lane, usually after a successful gank.

As OD, you don’t have flash farming potential, so don’t focus on farming. Play OD as heroes: Queen of Pain, Leshrac or Death Prophet and let the carry complete their mission. Try to turn kills to complete the objectives on the map.


Let’s take a look at the OD win rate after many minor updates. Hero from only 40% win rate now near 55% at Divine rank and above. The frequency of strong presence in the mid of OD is 1 in every 5 games at Legend rank and above.

Hero will definitely be nerfed. But the question now is whether OD will be nerfed to the point of disappearing completely or just small tweaks to make the hero more balanced? The answer belongs entirely to IceFrog.

According to Dotabuff

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