Dota 2: Mid-top tier heroes in meta 7.23

Dota 2: Mid-top tier heroes in meta 7.23
DOTA 2 Huskar Warriors 455087 - Emergenceingame

The last part of this 7.23 meta analysis article will focus on the top mid lane heroes. Economic changes and general effects in the game bring back many forgotten characters from the previous patch. These heroes are currently being picked a lot and have a top win rate.


Puck is noticed by many gamers. The flexibility that comes from Waning Rift as well as the change in talent rework makes this hero stable in the current meta. In addition, the hero is more versatile than before and has two distinct playstyles in the mid.

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The old method focused on mobility, coming from boosters like Veil and adding the ability to dodge attacks from Eul’s. It’s hard to explain but this is how Puck is played from the early game, ready for team fights and possibly killing supports with his nuke skill set.

With a new way of choosing the Phase Shift Attack talent at level 10, +90 Damage at level 15 and up items like Desolator. Makes gameplay less secure and doesn’t give Puck the same mobility as before, but the potential for teamfight damage can be very high and effective against low armor opponents.

The general advice for the current Puck is not to take the GPM talent at level 25 too seriously. Although the most chosen, but the win rate is much lower. Games are now 2 minutes shorter on average compared to the previous patch, and not every game will benefit you all from this gold.


In patch 7.22d, we saw Templar Assassin getting nerfed during the laning phase and the hero immediately dropped in popularity. Without a skill that guarantees an effective deny process, TA’s presence in the lane is no longer prominent and the hero is forgotten until patch 7.23. Thanks to a general change in the meta and a few minor buffs, Templar Assassin has become the top mid hero once again.

TEMPLAR ASSASSIN - Emergenceingame

Templar Assassin returns to the meta at the right time. With the game usually ending around 35 minutes, a good Templar Assassin can ensure that he is the strongest hero in the game for the entire match. Hero farms very fast, deals a lot of damage, can accelerate targets and finish Roshan – it’s pretty much everything you need at the core.

It is worth noting that this hero is only strong at high ranks: sooner or later, Templar Assassin will become weak as the game goes on. In low-ranked games, the match tends to be slower, making it impossible for the game to end early. Play proactively and realize your tempo potential to find success in one of the strongest mid lane heroes in the current meta.


According to the article, Razor is underrated. In the popular hand-to-hand core meta, Razor can effectively reduce damage as well as increase his own damage. Razor plays well against other popular mid laners, gets strong early and can make a big impact on teamfights even if he picks up BKB straight after a few stat bonus items.

Heroes going mid 7.21d

Razor is a tempo hero, so it’s surprising that he’s more effective at low ranks. Thanks to the added damage from the talents and the access to hit items, Razor can be very powerful and easy to use, allowing you to not have to play absolutely perfect to succeed.

Razor’s turret push isn’t as strong until Aghanim’s Scepter. But in half of Razor’s games, the green stick isn’t the hero’s best item – it’s only stronger on Razor if his teammates are able to compensate for his weakness, until the game enters the later stages. Instead, building items like Sange and Yasha, Satanic, Shiva’s Guard, and Assault Cuirass was prioritized over BKB, so that Razor could rush into the middle of teamfight without fear.


Hard to believe, but Huskar is the top mid hero 7.23 right now. Hero is only best when picked last. Even so, the nearly 10% pick rate and nearly 54% win rate at the top ranks prove Huskar’s strength.

DOTA 2 Huskar Warriors 455087 - Emergenceingame

There’s nothing too new about this hero: most high-ranking gamers combine Berserker’s Blood and Burning Spears, with an entry point into Inner Fire. They still got 2-3 Bracer and then Armlet then Halberd. They still prefer to choose DPS talents over increased resistance.

In the new meta, that’s simply more effective: Burning Spears now deals 4% of his current health, allowing Huskar to add Attack Speed ​​and cost less when health is low. The game ends before Huskar loses his power and the Disarm effect is stronger when the enemy heroes are all hand-to-hand.


As usual, we are slowly adapting to the current meta. With only small changes happening in the past two weeks, it doesn’t seem like the game will have too many mutations, but that doesn’t mean pro players will stop trying new heroes to help them shine.

Source link: Dota 2: Mid-top tier heroes in meta 7.23

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