Dota 2: How to take advantage of lane creeps properly

Dota 2: How to take advantage of lane creeps properly

Any ‘newbie’ new to Dota will realize that constantly attacking enemy creeps causing lanes to push up is a bad idea. This prevents you from last hitting, pushing lane, as well as making it easier for the enemy to farm and you put yourself in danger. It’s better to keep creeps close to your turrets and push creeps only when you want to push turrets. This experience is ingrained in a lot of players in Dota 2. However, pushing lane also has its purpose in many cases. Former Digital Chaos coach William “Blitz” Lee talked about this in the past my video. Let’s find out more.

In Dota, farm positions are divided into two types: dangerous positions and safe positions. Safe is when you farm in your jungle. Creep can’t see your hero. The enemy doesn’t know your exact location and the path to your farm is usually protected by wards, so if an enemy comes to gank, we can easily detect it and be supported by Teleport teammates. or counterattack in time due to close to their turrets. The problem is that this farming method won’t really help your team win. Farming in dangerous positions is more of a risk, but you’ll also have more of a positive impact on the game: stopping your opponent from farming, moving heroes to gank in another lane, as well as protecting Defend or attack turrets.

The one from Enigma's skill 2 is assisting in turret push
The ability to put pressure on lane is the main reason to pick Enigma.

Lane pushing is a method that is not only useful in destroying towers. If you don’t watch the last-hit but continuously hit to kill the creeps quickly, the lane creeps will move more towards the enemy turret. This forces the opponent to do something about this (Teleport to the turret being pushed or push another lane to take back your other turret) and it creates an opening for your teammates to exploit. You will know the enemy champion’s location and if your teammates decide to push other lanes or want to initiate a teamfight, these champions won’t be able to join immediately, especially if they just teleported to another location to defend. pillar. Furthermore, if you have the right heroes (who are able to cast and long-lasting shadows), this creep wave can be a bait for a gank. And if the other party’s teammates react and the hunt fails, it still attracts the enemy’s attention. That gives team members more freedom.

So what happens if the opponent doesn’t push the lane at all? First, the turret will lose health or may be destroyed. Second, enemy champions will lose a lot of gold and experience, and your teammates will benefit from this. Another important aspect is this: if none of them show up, pushing lane will help you know where the enemy is. If they don’t farm this creep field, chances are they won’t be there. Combined with wards and creeps in other lanes, you can somewhat deduce where the enemy is. This will help you avoid Smoke of Deceit ganks or prevent a sneak attack on Roshan.

A good example of how to find champion locations without sight.

This doesn’t mean safe farming is bad or that you have to always attack creeps, push lanes, and farm in dangerous positions. The goal is to know when to choose which method to farm and understand its uses instead of just always farming safely. For example, if you want to farm after you win a teamfight (and your teammates don’t intend to push the turret), instead of hiding in the jungle, you can farm where you don’t normally farm (as long as the enemy isn’t alive). Should check if you can take the risk or better go to the jungle. You must always anticipate possible scenarios. Who is on the map, who is not? Can champions that are not on the map kill you? Is there any ward or enemy can come to you undetected? To answer these questions, you need to understand the strength of the hero you play as well as understand how the opponent’s hero plays.

You don’t have to go to the enemy turret. 1 or 2 spells can clear the enemy creep wave and your own creeps will automatically push up. Of course, you will lose some farm because the creeps will encounter and die closer to the enemy, but in return you will gain more information on the map based on the enemy’s reaction, for example, the mid tower is being destroyed. creeps attack, why is no one taking action and no one is in the top jungle (thanks to our team’s ward), so there are only two possibilities that the enemy is in the bot jungle or eating roshan….From that we see The role of lane push is much more important than gold.

If you reach the turret, you don’t need to attack it with the creeps. A lot of heroes don’t deal much damage to turrets in the early game, so it’s better to farm in the nearest jungle. Once the turret has finished off the creeps on your side and a new wave is coming towards you, you can leave the jungle and push the lane again. Enemies will react to large creeps regardless of whether any heroes are nearby or not. Moreover, you need to understand if you need to destroy the tower early in the game or not. If so, that creep wave will continue to move towards the enemy. This is not always good. Sometimes to make it easier to farm, hold that turret as a way to keep enemy creeps closer to you.

Gold and exp are wasted due to no one pushing lane
400 gold and 500 XP reached the turret

This is not only useful when you need to make a decision, but also when you want to read the game. For example, your team is in a big fight but you can’t join yourself: the teleport is on cooldown, you have low health left, or important abilities are not ready yet. This doesn’t mean you have to be in the jungle or on healing. Even low health heroes can push lanes or protect turrets from creeps. If the team wins the teamfight, it will be easier to push the lane. If the teamfight loses, the opponent will have a hard time breaking the tower or getting Roshan because your creeps are pushing towards them. You must always pay attention to the enemy’s position in the teamfight or place the ward nearby: you will regret it if you fall to Crystal Maiden, the hero who just died in the last fight, respawn and teleport to a nearby outpost to kill. friend.

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